A Magical Christmas Party...
Last night, JP and I were invited to a festive party here in town. Our new collector friends, Dave & Yvonne have a true passion for decorating all things Christmas! Like something out of a winter's fairytale, their home's interior was aglow with magical lights, a forest of over 40 glowing trees, holiday collections and shimmering ornaments from every angle. I was drawn to their towering Christmas tree, twinkling with vintage bubble lights and an eye-catching display of colorful glass baubles. I'll share a couple of photos from the evening, but of course, they do not do their decorated home justice, so you'll have to use your imagination :) Happy Holidays!
~ Johanna
* Me, in my heels, yet dwarfed next to this spectacular tree....
* JP, sipping sangria and taking in the festive view from the upstairs balcony...
~ Johanna
* Me, in my heels, yet dwarfed next to this spectacular tree....
* JP, sipping sangria and taking in the festive view from the upstairs balcony...