A Glimpse at the Glens Art Walk...

Hey All! Hop on over to our


on our NEW Website for a medley of clickable photos from this year's 3rd Annual Glens Art Walk! It's a Halloween feast for the eyes :) Enjoy!

Happy Haunting,

~ Johanna ~

We have a New Website!

Hi Friends!

Looks like my last post was in April. At that time, we were only discussing my 14 year old website, it's finicky and rather out-dated nature and options to make some serious forward changes. A couple-plus months later and after much exploration, an endless list of how-to questions and searching through a multitude of folders for photos, we have a new website! You can still find us at www.johannaparkerdesign.com but the experience should be refreshing to say the least :)


Now, you can peruse my Portfolio tab for a gallery sampling of my holiday & seasonal folk art as well as a peek at my Licensed Designs to see what's currently being produced in the industry. I've added an Illustrations area with art samples, organized by Vector Art, Ink & Dye, Mixed Media and even Public Art! Beyond that, enjoy a peek at my Surface Designs and Artful Living photography for inspiration and a look into our art-filled lives. In addition, we now have a Store link that branches out into different areas. Collectors Catch Originals is where collectors will gather for upcoming web sales, and my Signed Reproductions page will offer a peek at what I have ordered for upcoming sales.  Besides dedicated pages to my Spoonflower fabrics and my home furnishings Roostery shop is my Printables Page! For years, I've heard your calls for instant digital downloads of my Halloween hats and other artsy projects, and now I can provide that for you! For a nominal exchange, you can print as many high-res files of my selected art for your own DIY experience! In fact, the cheerful Garden Delights Pennants in the graphic photo in this post is one of my new projects, and one of my faves! I truly hope you enjoy these projects that I've put together for you :) Speaking of printable, don't forget to visit our Print & Share page for growing list of FREE project downloads! We now have a much more thorough Events page and an About page that recognizes our little team.

Phewww! That was a LOT of work... LOL!....

And with a New Website comes a New Blog! That's right, I will be moving my future Blog postings over to the Blog link on my site. As there are so so so many years of posts here on my Blogspot platform, I will keep things as they are so that you can still go back in time and visit past posts for inspiration. Plus, trying to migrate ALL 10 years of blog posts to a new site sounds pretty daunting right now. So, we'll keep things as they are for the time being.

Thanks as always for your support! We hope you ENJOY all the eye candy over at our new Website!

Best Wishes,
~ Johanna

Do you "LIKE" me?....

With social networking as the sign of the times, new language is in play. And, with Facebook setting the stage, the word "friend" has suddenly become a verb, and FB Page Keepers find themselves tracking their number of "LIKES" as some sort of a popularity contest.... It all reminds me a bit of high school, and so does the peer pressure that goes along with it. For quite some time, I have been reluctant to open an official Artist Page on Facebook for that very reason, but yesterday I caved in. Subsequently, I have been absorbed with it ever since, but I am hopeful that the novelty of it all, for me at least, will soon fade as I need to get some work done. But as many of you know, these social networking sites can certainly suck you in! I have been uploading images of my work, shows, etc.. to my new Johanna Parker Design Page, and if you are so inclined, please stop in for a visit, leave a comment perhaps, and of course I would appreciate a "LIKE" once you are there..... That is, IF you "LIKE" me... :) Oh I just have to laugh......


Yes, it's just one more thing to add to the list of to-do's, maintaining yet another page in the world of cyberspace. But, I do see the benefits as well in having the opportunity to connect with more people to share my art and create more smiles in this rather complicated world we live in. Of course, I promise to continue updating my blog with various news, images, and more. So, I'll be OUT there......

Thank you for your support and interest as always....
~ Johanna