Home for the Holidays....

Skies are turning gray and the temperature has dropped to a cool brisk chill. Snow is on it's way once again and just in time for Christmas! We are staying home for the holidays and keeping a close eye on our precious Jack who just had 4 teeth pulled. He's recovering nicely and is back to eating food again which is the best present I could ask for. Jack helped me add the finishing touches to our modest Christmas tree, sniffing and nibling on a few of the ornaments before they were hung! Afterward, I snapped a few quick photos for your viewing pleasure :) Enjoy and may your week be cheerful and bright! ~ Johanna

I love this vintage Christmas tree. As the story goes, my mother enjoyed it as a child, and when I was of the age to appreciate this time of year, it was handed down to me. As a child, I started collecting ornaments, and I looked forward to decorating my very own Christmas tree each year. Now, it lives in our home and travels around to my various holiday shows, displaying my ornament wares. A small vintage tree for a small vintage house ~ the perfect pair :) (and if you noticed and were wondering, I draped a simple chartreuse cover over my Halloween, firescreen!... One of these days I want to design another screen for the holidays too..... If only time would permit....sigh....)

* Various ornaments dangle from our tree. I spot a Primitives by Kathy snowman design of mine, and a Santa from my Bethany Lowe line.. How about you! I also love collecting the vintage glass baubles, and for some reason, I can never have enough! I love their rich, jewel-tone hues and simple patterns.

* And now I spot Jack roosting on the top of my most favorite red mohair chair!

* What a surprise it was to receive a special delivery from my fellow artist and collector friend, Robert Brawley! He created an original "Snow-Witch" just for me, and she is standing front and center under the tree amidst two of my reproduced snowbauble designs. Thank you Robert - Love that Halloween/Christmas crossover theme!

* A sweet paper ornament peers through the fluffy boughs of my tree. My dear friend and artist Kitty Forseth and her daughter Madison made a series of these adorable ornaments and sent them to us! They certainly add a sweetness to our tree each year :)

* I had to save the last reproduction "St. Nick's Snowy Ride" candy container for myself! They were going fast, and I wanted one for keeps! This fun duo will be available through my Bethany Lowe line next year. I think they sold out for this season....

* A single vintage tree from a yard sale sits atop an old box. I love the holly graphics, old green hues and mantel illustrations on this container. It belonged to my grandmother, and each year, she would open it and display the ceramic "NOEL" characters that lived inside. I must admit, I love the box even more! :)

* Another fun surprise arrived in today's mail from a sweet artist and collector friend, Theresa Micheau! It's a handmade primitive style Santa cone filled with berries and jingles and smelling divine! Jack thoroughly sniffed its cinnamon spice scent from all sides, and I believe it passed his test :) Looks like we'll be seeing more from Theresa and her "Chicken Scratch Primitives!" Can't wait!.....

* Here hangs an original snowman ornament I made for last year's winter collection. He wears one of my illustrated party hats, and I am glad I saved one for myself as it's fun to see what whimsical goodies my imagination has dreamt up from one year to the next!

* And, lastly is an original snowman candy container from this year's collection! JP and I were smitten with his sweet face, the tiny bird on the tip top of his hat and those yummy hues. So, he's our gift to US, and he proudly stands on our mantel overlooking the festive ornaments below.


CATCH him if you can!...

And as promised, my other Valentine-inspired Collector's Catch piece just popped up on my website! GO TO my Website to see details and be sure to click on the image for more views and descriptions. Please send me an email if you'd like to adopt "Bart O'Heart," and later I will update the page to reveal who caught him....

Thanks again for looking!
~ Johanna
CONTACT: johanna@johannaparkerdesign.com

UPDATE!.. Another great collector friend of mine, Robert in NC, caught this piece in just 15 minutes after posting it!... Thank You!... Guess he was at the right place at the right time! Remember to click "Follow this Blog," at left and your Blogger Dashboard will update each time I create a new post. It's a great way to keep up with any new surprise Collector's Catch pieces, and a way to show your support and interest in my folk art as well :)

© 2009 Johanna Parker Design * Folk art images are the property of Johanna Parker and may not be used without permission.

Scenes from our Home Show...

Fortunately, it was a beautiful weekend for our 6th Annual Holiday Folk Art Show, and we opened our home to many special friends. Our 1939 cottage home smelled of holiday spices and yummy cider to warm our guests as they mingled about. Thanks to ALL who made a little time in their day to stop by, visit and support my holiday art endeavors. I hope you enjoyed the event! We enjoyed seeing all of your smiling faces! Here's a peek for all who missed out on the festivities.... (Of course, there is always next year, but you must be on my local events e-mailing list in order to receive the official invite....) Enjoy the photos!....

~ Johanna

* Santas in various heights surround a focal arrangement of vintage silvery decorations...

* A cheery table of snowmen delights welcomes guests as they enter...

* An old drawer is the perfect display for my latest holiday notepad designs...

* Morning shoppers fill the house in search for treasures, some to keep and some to share...

* A retro tree from my mom's childhood now lives with me... perfect for displaying my Santa ornaments...

* A quick photo of me smiling big as the clock strikes 10am, show time!...

* And a quick snap of JP, my "money man" who handles all the numbers and money exchange during my sales.... Luckily, my job is to chat, wrap and sack!...

* And we must not forget Jack showing off his tinsel red collar!.... Cute cute!....

* One of a kind snowmen ornaments dangle from silver painted branches....

* A sampling of sweets await shoppers as they meander through the kitchen...

* A snap of my vintage fridge and a colorful collection of 40s pottery above...

* Cheese and grapes anyone?...

* Through the kitchen and into our breakfast nook you'll find a double-sided
stand displaying many of my illustrated notepads, perfect for the gift-giving season...

* Another peek at the kitchen...

* One of my original snowman candy containers reaches out to collector friends...

* One of a kind snowmen traipse across the mantel...

* And who could forget Halloween?.... A small collection of orange and black fall goodies, placed about my studio room, awaited my Oct 31st fans...

* Another peek at the Halloween with my drafting table in the distance...

* A fun photo of the 2 of us in my studio room, taken by a thoughtful guest... thank you!