My Blog has a New Home...

Hi Friends,

Accompanying my new website, is a place for me to Blog, here, all in one place!... It's crazy to think that I started my original blog on Blogger, 10 years ago! Those of you that have followed along with me there have probably noticed that my frequency of posts have dropped over the years. There was quite a blogging frenzy going on in 2007, and I jumped on the Blogger wagon like many. It was much more dynamic then, and folks were blog-hopping, leaving a trail of comments, enthusiasm and chatter along the way. It was an exciting time for sharing stories and images and creating a sense of camaraderie amongst friends ~ kind of like visiting each others homes for tea. Then, social media (Facebook) stole the show, and I noticed that folks were staying in one place and chatting on one platform vs. hopping all over the web from blog to blog. Makes sense I guess, but losing a majority of my blog audience to Facebook kinda took away the fun of blogging. Whenever I had a new blog post, I felt the need to proclaim the announcement on Facebook, and I probably still will. I guess it's a necessary evil these days....  :-0 

That said, I'm trying something new that will perhaps inspire me to blog more ~ one can only hope!  My blog on Blogger is feeling a bit stale, so it's time for a fresh face. For now, I will keep my old blog where you've always known it to live at: ~ There are so many stories, and features, and bits of news that I cherish from years past over on that platform, and I certainly don't want to say goodbye with a click. I'll continue to keep my Flickr photostream active as many of the photos in my old blog posts are linked directly there. As time permits, I will look into transferring all the content and images from my original blog over to my new site here, hosted by Squarespace. I hear it can be a time-consuming process, reformatting all the  photos and text. And, honestly, that's not on the top of my list right now. So, until I have more information, we'll link back to the past on Blogger to see 10 years of Johanna Parker Design's journey. And, we'll look to the future, here on my new website!

Thanks for following along and offering support and feedback along the way. I am excited to try something new, and I hope you enjoy the journey with me.


~ Johanna


To see the 10 previous years of blog posts via Johanna Parker Design, you can bookmark and peruse her original site on Blogger: