I am so very grateful for all of the thoughtful gifts I have received from my collector friends over the years! When I'm least expecting it, a box will appear on the front step with my name on it, and what a treat!... I've received some wonderful treasures like vintage horns, antique postcards and that fabulous kitschy-style wreath now on my front door. Well, last week, a package arrived for "Jack!" If you don't know by now, Jack is my black cat who often appears here on my blog. Well, my collector friend Theresa out in PA often sends me adorable pics of her farm animals. Recently, she dressed up her goat Zinny in the most festive attire and emailed me a photo. Judging from my response, she made a smaller version for Jack! OH, it's soooo cute! Take a looksie....

* Is this not the cutest?! And look, he even gets a little dangling name tag!....

* And here's Zinny, the goat and the inspiration behind all of this silly fun!...

* There he sits so proud in his new, handmade holly collar!...

* Uh-oh.... there he goes again, munching on that old aluminum!...

* And Zinny again.... I just want to squeeeeze her!.....
So, THANK YOU Theresa! I don't know about you, but these festive critter collars are pretty darn cute, and I think they would be a hoot in all sorts of holiday themes.... If you want Theresa to make you one for your furry friend just send her a quick note at:
Getsmacked35@aol.com ....
PS..... Another BIG thanks goes out to ALL the folks who stopped in for my web sale today and adopted a special piece!... I wish I had had even more goodies so no one left empty-handed, but I appreciate your efforts as it means so much to me!..... Happy Holidays to all!
* Is this not the cutest?! And look, he even gets a little dangling name tag!....
* And here's Zinny, the goat and the inspiration behind all of this silly fun!...
* There he sits so proud in his new, handmade holly collar!...
* Uh-oh.... there he goes again, munching on that old aluminum!...
* And Zinny again.... I just want to squeeeeze her!.....
So, THANK YOU Theresa! I don't know about you, but these festive critter collars are pretty darn cute, and I think they would be a hoot in all sorts of holiday themes.... If you want Theresa to make you one for your furry friend just send her a quick note at:
Getsmacked35@aol.com ....
PS..... Another BIG thanks goes out to ALL the folks who stopped in for my web sale today and adopted a special piece!... I wish I had had even more goodies so no one left empty-handed, but I appreciate your efforts as it means so much to me!..... Happy Holidays to all!