My first Collector's Catch piece just popped up on my website! GO TO my Website to see details and be sure to click on the image for more views and descriptions. Please send me an email to secure "Valentina", and later I will update the page to reveal who caught her....
Thanks for looking!
~ Johanna
© 2009 Johanna Parker Design * Folk art images are the property of Johanna Parker and may not be used without permission.
Thanks for looking!
~ Johanna
UPDATE!.. A great collector friend of mine, Sandy in PA, caught this piece in less than 30 minutes after posting it!... Thank You!... STAY TUNED for one more Valentine's piece that I hope to finish and post soon. Keep checking back!

© 2009 Johanna Parker Design * Folk art images are the property of Johanna Parker and may not be used without permission.