Father's Day is tomorrow, and I feel extra grateful this year to have my dad around! He gave us quite a scare back in March. As JP and I were practically out of reach on a beach in Mexico, my dad was fighting for his life! His heart, as we knew was only ticking on one of three wires, but when that third wire began to fray, he knew something was wrong. Little did I know of the panic as mom frantically emailed me updates. Once I learned of the scare, I opened each note with one eye closed, afraid to read something dreadful. Fortunately, he had an emergency pacemaker implanted, and his heart began to beat to a steady rhythm again... What a relief and a blessing it was that my brother was able to take over the wheel and drive my dad to the nearest ER. Last week, I was able to visit with my parents as they stopped in to visit us here in Colorado. I gave my dad a big hug, so happy to see his smiling face and feel his warmth.

Of course, I only found it appropriate to make him a little something special and heartfelt.. Take a peek at the one of kind black cat shaker that JP helped me make. She too "ticks" so to speak.... You'll see what I mean. Happy Father's Day Daddy!

* We're "cat people" if you hadn't noticed :-).. so I made this small one of a kind black cat appropriately holding a rustic heart for my Dad's Father's Day gift.... He loved it!

* Mom loved it too as I painted this little cutie in a redware motif, one of her faves. Give this kitty a little shake, and she ticks and rattles and reminds us to never take our hearts for granted...
Of course, I only found it appropriate to make him a little something special and heartfelt.. Take a peek at the one of kind black cat shaker that JP helped me make. She too "ticks" so to speak.... You'll see what I mean. Happy Father's Day Daddy!
* We're "cat people" if you hadn't noticed :-).. so I made this small one of a kind black cat appropriately holding a rustic heart for my Dad's Father's Day gift.... He loved it!
* Mom loved it too as I painted this little cutie in a redware motif, one of her faves. Give this kitty a little shake, and she ticks and rattles and reminds us to never take our hearts for granted...