I thought it would be fun to offer a special Giveaway for those who hope to attend this year's Halloween & Vine in Petaluma, California! 2009 marks the 14th annual show celebrating one of a kind Halloween art by nationally recognized artists, and I will be exhibiting once again! So, in a week, I will be drawing 3 winning names for two free entry tickets and one $10 OFF any Johanna Parker Design original offered at this fabulous show! Join in on the FUN and perhaps you will be one of the lucky winners.... See easy instructions for entering below:
Thanks to all who entered to win Halloween & Vine tickets this year! We numbered your entries and emails, and then JP drew the winning numbers today.. Here goes:
WINNER of the $10 off my art coupon goes to: Jana Lewis
WINNERS of the 2 free entry passes go to: Kathleen Remitz & Celeste Parsons
Congrats :)

1.) To enter, simply leave me a comment at the bottom of this post! For those of you who do not have a Blogger ID, you can leave an Anonymous comment, but remember to identify yourself in some way so I can find you if you win! And, if you'd prefer to email me instead, I will add your comment for you.
2.) Join my mailing list for a 2nd entry! Those of you already on my mailing list can email me for a 2nd chance at winning: johanna@johannaparkerdesign.com
3.) If you have a blog of your own, you can blog about my Giveaway for yet another entry to win! Please include a link both to my blog and a link to the Halloween & Vine! Feel free to use these images to attract interested readers! Afterwards, come back and leave me a comment about your post...
And, here is the beautiful full page ad that Scott Smith of Rucus Studio designed for this year's event! You will see it in the September issue of Somerset Holiday and Celebrations Magazine along with Celebrate365 Magazine. And yes, that's my one of a kind Halloween owl, top left....

THANK YOU for playing along and best of luck to you! We look forward to seeing you at the Halloween & Vine September 26th!
~ Johanna
Thanks to all who entered to win Halloween & Vine tickets this year! We numbered your entries and emails, and then JP drew the winning numbers today.. Here goes:
WINNER of the $10 off my art coupon goes to: Jana Lewis
WINNERS of the 2 free entry passes go to: Kathleen Remitz & Celeste Parsons
Congrats :)
1.) To enter, simply leave me a comment at the bottom of this post! For those of you who do not have a Blogger ID, you can leave an Anonymous comment, but remember to identify yourself in some way so I can find you if you win! And, if you'd prefer to email me instead, I will add your comment for you.
2.) Join my mailing list for a 2nd entry! Those of you already on my mailing list can email me for a 2nd chance at winning: johanna@johannaparkerdesign.com
3.) If you have a blog of your own, you can blog about my Giveaway for yet another entry to win! Please include a link both to my blog and a link to the Halloween & Vine! Feel free to use these images to attract interested readers! Afterwards, come back and leave me a comment about your post...
And, here is the beautiful full page ad that Scott Smith of Rucus Studio designed for this year's event! You will see it in the September issue of Somerset Holiday and Celebrations Magazine along with Celebrate365 Magazine. And yes, that's my one of a kind Halloween owl, top left....
THANK YOU for playing along and best of luck to you! We look forward to seeing you at the Halloween & Vine September 26th!
~ Johanna