It gives me great joy when I have the pleasure of experiencing bits of my wild imagination materialize before my eyes! As you may know, I have this fascination with placing conical party hats on the heads of my papier mache black cats. I know I am not the only artist with this urge to whimsify (if that's a word) the 4-legged creature companions we share this planet with. But, it is something I cannot resist! In fact, I just found myself making a mini party hat for my black cat, Jack! He is really a dear as you will see, and so, so kind to permit me to play out my silly fantasy. We had quite the chuckle as I dressed him for the occasion. He patiently posed on an old stool as we snapped shot after shot in utter amazement at his lack of concern. Perhaps, I am less of a loon than I had initially thought, for I have discovered that black cats truly do wear party hats! CHEERS to that, and may you have a purrrfectly HAPPY HALLOWEEN! ~ ENJOY ~ Johanna :-)

* Oh, look at that little dear in all his Halloween cheer...

* Picture purrrrrfect poser.....

* Loving that party hat profile.... utter cuteness!

* In the background... a glimpse of my original black cat firescreen, complementing the Halloween scene...

* No words necessary to describe this image.. hehehehehe!
* © 2009 Johanna Parker Design *Photographs are the property of Johanna Parker and may not be used without permission.