* Above, "Happy Stack Snowman" raises his wiry arms up to the winter skies. He's one of my latest primitive reproduction designs offered through Primitives by Kathy...
Is it just me, or do the days go by faster and faster with each year? I have my first Winter Holiday show in just 3 days, and part of me is still wondering what happened to summer and perhaps even spring! They say "times flies when you're having fun", so perhaps that is the attitude and excuse I should use... It makes sense I guess, as I do have FUN making my art, and I find myself consumed daily with design and creation. But sometimes, I look up with paintbrush in hand and the day is over! Yet, I feel like I've only just begun! Tell me I'm not the only one?! I think time can be cruel to an artist, as I could truly spend years on just one piece. It is difficult to say "enough" and move on, but the clock is always ticking and forces us to forge ahead. Speaking of "ahead," I'm often dreaming up designs one year in advance as well. As a product designer for two companies, part of my role is to imagine trends and designs that people will like in the future, a year later and so on. I'm often designing spring concepts for two years out during December, and well, you get the drift. And then, there is that other part of me, creating one of kind works of art for the upcoming season, and that part of me is always behind... It's no wonder why I am a bit surprised and bewildered that November is upon us and the holidays, well, are just around the corner. It sneaks up on me every year, and here we are again!
I do love this time of year though as there is a spirit of whimsy in the air that I can connect with. And, there will be plenty of that whimsy to go around this weekend at Denver's Gifts for Yule Show. Once again, (ready or not) I will be there with my holiday collectibles, both originals and signed reproductions. So, bundle up with your scarf and mittens and stop by for a dose of holiday cheer! We will be looking forward to seeing your smiling faces and catching up. In the meantime, wish me luck while the familiar face on the wall goes tick-tock-tick-tock....................
~ Johanna