It's Mother's Day, and although Mom lives far far away from me, I am thinking of her. The chance to visit only comes but a few times a year as the distance between Denver and Seattle is certainly more than that short walk between our homes used to be. Thank goodness for email and the phone as both assure me that she is doing well, meeting new friends and creating again! It truly pleases me that she is "following her bliss" as she types in her emails, staying up late at night and designing primitive folk art. Thanks to Mom, I too am doing the same thing! It's comforting to know that while I am busy at work sculpting or painting a papier mache character, she too is in her studio creating a treasure in textile. It is a long distance bond that cannot be broken with the same driving force to release our creative spirit and share smiles and joy through our creations. Thank you Mom for instilling in me the notion to apply my talents and to create. I am truly grateful and so happy to see you doing the same.....
~ Johanna

* Photo from last summer's family visit to Colorado. There, the two of us stand on the top of Vail Mountain, holding hands and swinging our arms back and forth. Fun times indeed!
~ Johanna

* Photo from last summer's family visit to Colorado. There, the two of us stand on the top of Vail Mountain, holding hands and swinging our arms back and forth. Fun times indeed!