Father's Day is here, and fortunately, I just had the opportunity to spend a few days with my dad as he and my family popped in for a quick visit last week. I must admit, the trip wasn't without its fair share of those edge-of-your-seat adventures. We all had a hair-raising episode on the top of Trail Ridge Road here in Colorado as a thick fog accompanied by heavy rain rolled in. Needless to say, the breathtaking views we craved were absent as my dad slowly maneuvered his way down the winding road, masked in white. And as it's the highest continuous highway in the States, a miscalculation as to where the road twists and turns could result in the end as we know it. Our hearts were beating at an elevated pace to say the least, but luckily my dad was calm as he guided us out of the scare and into the clear. Thank you Daddy for keeping us safe! That's what dads are for :) It was wonderful to see him again, and now we have quite the story to tell!
Love to You & Happy Father's Day!
~ Johanna

* And no, this photo was not taken in Colorado last week.... We had little to no great photo ops with the turbulent skies as they were. This image was actually taken last summer at Mount Rainier in Washington, where we luckily enjoyed a very clear and sunny day together!
Love to You & Happy Father's Day!
~ Johanna

* And no, this photo was not taken in Colorado last week.... We had little to no great photo ops with the turbulent skies as they were. This image was actually taken last summer at Mount Rainier in Washington, where we luckily enjoyed a very clear and sunny day together!