Ahh, the temperatures are finally beginning to warm, and spring is in the air! A fresh breeze has been wafting through the window of my workshop as I finish up my collection of spring originals for an upcoming Web Sale. More feathered friends have been bathing in the bird bath and celebrating the commencement of spring through song. It feels good to be close to finishing my latest batch of seasonal folk art characters. JP stopped in to snap a few photos of the artistic process as I added the final painterly touches to my pieces. You can see more of the image below on my Facebook Fan Page ~ (and please click the LIKE button once you arrive if wish to stay connected!) Next, I will add a few touches of glass glitter and trims to these sweet guys. There are 10 in total and include a fun mix of egg cups, kettle cups and ball characters. I would have loved to make more, but I also have a growing list of eager Lucky List recipients that I must tend to as well. (Thank you for your patience :)
* Here's a close-up perspective on my paint palette for spring. I rarely use colors straight out of the bottle. The bright red, mixed with white and soft yellow create that salmon-pink hue that I prefer for this season. I also apply this color to the cheeks of snowmen when the holidays roll in.
* It's funny as I have been using the same cool whip lid for years upon years to mix my paints on, and I DON'T eat cool whip ~ not for many years at least. But, I am certainly recycling and getting good use out of its container :) After the layers build up, I peel the whole thing off, sign and date the back, and just store it away ~ for what, I'm not sure, but I just can't bring myself to toss it out as there's an intimiate beauty in those layers of paint, methodically mixed....

* I know, this just looks like blobs of color, but it's art to me... unintentional, but still art.

* I didn't notice how these hues swirled together, forming a flowing pattern until I snapped the subject up close. The movement is captured in time and may soon disappear under another bumpy layer of paints.

* One more perspective of my artist's palette, and then I'll stop for now :) This reminds me of a slightly mountainous landscape, and if I were the size of a pinhead, I would scale those hilly hues!
IMAGINATION ~ I am so grateful for it!
~ Johanna
* Just a peek at one of several originals I have been creating for spring! You are welcome to Join my Mailing List for more details on my March 26th Web Sale...
* Here's a close-up perspective on my paint palette for spring. I rarely use colors straight out of the bottle. The bright red, mixed with white and soft yellow create that salmon-pink hue that I prefer for this season. I also apply this color to the cheeks of snowmen when the holidays roll in.
* It's funny as I have been using the same cool whip lid for years upon years to mix my paints on, and I DON'T eat cool whip ~ not for many years at least. But, I am certainly recycling and getting good use out of its container :) After the layers build up, I peel the whole thing off, sign and date the back, and just store it away ~ for what, I'm not sure, but I just can't bring myself to toss it out as there's an intimiate beauty in those layers of paint, methodically mixed....

* I know, this just looks like blobs of color, but it's art to me... unintentional, but still art.

* I didn't notice how these hues swirled together, forming a flowing pattern until I snapped the subject up close. The movement is captured in time and may soon disappear under another bumpy layer of paints.

* One more perspective of my artist's palette, and then I'll stop for now :) This reminds me of a slightly mountainous landscape, and if I were the size of a pinhead, I would scale those hilly hues!
IMAGINATION ~ I am so grateful for it!
~ Johanna