Happy month of LOVE! As a special gift of thanks, we want to share our Hearts with You! Below, you will enjoy a sweet DIY project, including a FREE Printable page of hearts that I have designed. Simply click on the link provided below, print the page and let your creativity flow! For a little inspiration, I am also sharing my step-by-step project with you. It's only one of gazillion paths to take, and we look forward to seeing what you do! Please share your finished Heart creations with us by sending us an EMAIL with images of your crafts. You are welcome to share this link and spread the love....
~ Johanna, JP & Jack

* The inspiration behind this project started with a long piece of 20 gauge wire and the lovely word "Love." I attempted a few by slowly bending the wire and forming the letters, and then I settled on a size and script style that I liked best...

* My wire "Love" letters needed a backer plate, so I created a simple heart design on the computer. I included 2 additional hearts at a reduced size and added them all to a standard letter-sized piece of paper.
This FREE Printable can be found at our link: http://www.johannaparkerdesign.com/Share/Johanna's-Valentine-Heart.pdf

* I printed the PDF on cream colored card stock and starting cutting along the outer dashed line...

* To add more substance and layers to the heart, I found a scrap of vintage teal wool that I had previously stiffened with glue. Using my existing heart as a template, I drew a slightly larger heart on the wool, and cut out that shape...

* For an extra touch of texture and whimsy, I glued a strand of fringed red string along the outer edge of the backside of the paper heart.

* Once the glue dried, it was time to position my wire lettering on the front side. Using a pencil, I marked two dots to indicate the exit holes for the wire to pass through on each end of the word "Love." A quick prick with an awl, allowed the wire to pass through to the backside, where I trimmed and looped the wire to secure it in place (as seen above).

* After a little hot glue, the paper heart fused with it's woolen backer! Another piece of wire, woven through the wool, became an easy hanger. And, I was off to decorate with my new creation! I hung it on a kitchen cabinet door....

* I hung it on an antique shelf...

* I hung it on the wall..... and on and on and on....
Simple ideas such as this sweet heart, used in combination with scraps of fabric, wire, string, glue, glitter and other found objects in the home can really add a personal touch and create an endearing gift for a loved one. I hope you find inspiration, print our page of Hearts, put on your crafting hat and get creative... And, Please do share your creations via EMAIL or by posting your projects on our Facebook Page!
Hugs & Happy Valentine's Day!
Follow along with me on:

~ Johanna, JP & Jack

* The inspiration behind this project started with a long piece of 20 gauge wire and the lovely word "Love." I attempted a few by slowly bending the wire and forming the letters, and then I settled on a size and script style that I liked best...

* My wire "Love" letters needed a backer plate, so I created a simple heart design on the computer. I included 2 additional hearts at a reduced size and added them all to a standard letter-sized piece of paper.
This FREE Printable can be found at our link: http://www.johannaparkerdesign.com/Share/Johanna's-Valentine-Heart.pdf

* I printed the PDF on cream colored card stock and starting cutting along the outer dashed line...

* To add more substance and layers to the heart, I found a scrap of vintage teal wool that I had previously stiffened with glue. Using my existing heart as a template, I drew a slightly larger heart on the wool, and cut out that shape...

* For an extra touch of texture and whimsy, I glued a strand of fringed red string along the outer edge of the backside of the paper heart.

* Once the glue dried, it was time to position my wire lettering on the front side. Using a pencil, I marked two dots to indicate the exit holes for the wire to pass through on each end of the word "Love." A quick prick with an awl, allowed the wire to pass through to the backside, where I trimmed and looped the wire to secure it in place (as seen above).

* After a little hot glue, the paper heart fused with it's woolen backer! Another piece of wire, woven through the wool, became an easy hanger. And, I was off to decorate with my new creation! I hung it on a kitchen cabinet door....

* I hung it on an antique shelf...

* I hung it on the wall..... and on and on and on....
Simple ideas such as this sweet heart, used in combination with scraps of fabric, wire, string, glue, glitter and other found objects in the home can really add a personal touch and create an endearing gift for a loved one. I hope you find inspiration, print our page of Hearts, put on your crafting hat and get creative... And, Please do share your creations via EMAIL or by posting your projects on our Facebook Page!
Hugs & Happy Valentine's Day!
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