It's that time of year again where my focus narrows in on this year's Halloween! The party hat illustration that I began a few months back resurfaced, and I refined it for print. I sized them up and down to various dimensions and just printed a batch. Saturday was spent with my hot glue gun in hand, and the tedious process of forming and creating these little marvels for my various folk art characters to wear, soon followed. I find pleasure in setting them all about and marveling at their various shapes and details once they are complete. Next, I will adorn each one with my signature wire swirls and chenille twists so they will be ready to be worn! OH, and I still have to create the sculpted folk art characters that will don these conical hats. Eeek! But for now, I had a little fun posing them on our bedroom dresser as the hues complement one another. Stay tuned this fall for the final look, when my illustrated hats will be worn by spooky-fun black cats, owls, witches and bats... and perhaps a few more. And so you see, I do have "Hats on Hand"...... :) Curious what else I have been up to? Keep reading......

* Illustrated party hats, ready for their final touches, strike a pose and express themselves on my lanky fingers.....

* Various heights of hats in lines and stacks will be chosen for a variety of folk art characters for this year's Halloween collection of originals...

* My first "lumina jack" illustration graces the front face of this year's hat! I hope to design one more hat for this season, but perhaps I should have my fingers crossed...

* Yet another view of these delightful party hats stand tall on the bedroom dresser I painted many years ago in Halloween hues. (It's always been in my blood!)
On another note, did you happen to see the "Collector's Catch" blog badge image, here up top on my right sidebar? Well, instead of occasionally creating a blog post for the current Collector's Catch, I thought it may be more fun to just update my blog's sidebar when I have a new piece to offer.Yes, it's very spontaneous, and that's the point... You can either check here, or check my Folk Art Originals page of my website for these often rare sightings, when I have a piece available. The latest Collector's Catch, "Corndaisy Webster" was snatched by a Florida collector! (Thank you!)
Also, a lucky, "Lucky List" member said yes to "Lucky Lester" a few days back, and now he's off to Oregon to join a growing collection of JPD originals! (another Thank you goes out to you!) For those of you curious about my Lucky List, please click HERE!
I hope to spend the next week thoroughly focused on sculpting one of a kind delights for this year's fall shows, occasional Collector's Catch pieces, a few eBay goodies and beyond. So, keep checking my blog for updates.
**OH, and please don't forget that you have ONE week left to enter to win an original Ghost bust character of mine during my Zazzle Shop's Grand Opening! The prizes include 2 other collectible delights as well, so please visit the post below for the details..... Halloween is just around the corner, so snatch a sweet illustrated tote bag, T-shirt, coffee mug, etc.... ALL designed by me, for a chance to WIN!
Many Thanks for your interest & support,
~ Johanna
Photos & Designs, © Johanna Parker Design, LLC ~ Photos may not be used without permission.

* Illustrated party hats, ready for their final touches, strike a pose and express themselves on my lanky fingers.....

* Various heights of hats in lines and stacks will be chosen for a variety of folk art characters for this year's Halloween collection of originals...

* My first "lumina jack" illustration graces the front face of this year's hat! I hope to design one more hat for this season, but perhaps I should have my fingers crossed...

* Yet another view of these delightful party hats stand tall on the bedroom dresser I painted many years ago in Halloween hues. (It's always been in my blood!)
On another note, did you happen to see the "Collector's Catch" blog badge image, here up top on my right sidebar? Well, instead of occasionally creating a blog post for the current Collector's Catch, I thought it may be more fun to just update my blog's sidebar when I have a new piece to offer.Yes, it's very spontaneous, and that's the point... You can either check here, or check my Folk Art Originals page of my website for these often rare sightings, when I have a piece available. The latest Collector's Catch, "Corndaisy Webster" was snatched by a Florida collector! (Thank you!)
Also, a lucky, "Lucky List" member said yes to "Lucky Lester" a few days back, and now he's off to Oregon to join a growing collection of JPD originals! (another Thank you goes out to you!) For those of you curious about my Lucky List, please click HERE!
I hope to spend the next week thoroughly focused on sculpting one of a kind delights for this year's fall shows, occasional Collector's Catch pieces, a few eBay goodies and beyond. So, keep checking my blog for updates.
**OH, and please don't forget that you have ONE week left to enter to win an original Ghost bust character of mine during my Zazzle Shop's Grand Opening! The prizes include 2 other collectible delights as well, so please visit the post below for the details..... Halloween is just around the corner, so snatch a sweet illustrated tote bag, T-shirt, coffee mug, etc.... ALL designed by me, for a chance to WIN!
Many Thanks for your interest & support,
~ Johanna
Photos & Designs, © Johanna Parker Design, LLC ~ Photos may not be used without permission.