Finally, a new Spring-themed Collector's Catch piece just popped up on my website! GO TO my Website to see details and be sure to click on the image for more views and descriptions. Please send me an email if you'd like to adopt this sweet, one of a kind blue bird, and later I will update the page to reveal who caught the birdie!....
Thanks again for looking!
~ Johanna
UPDATE!.. A great collector friend of mine, Deb in Pennsylvania, caught this piece just a few hours after posting it!... Thank You!... I'm so glad you checked as you never know what you may catch! For those of you hoping to catch a special one of a kind in the future, remember to click "Follow this Blog," at left and your Blogger Dashboard will update each time I create a new post. It's a great way to keep up with any new surprise Collector's Catch pieces, and a way to show your support and interest in my folk art as well :)

© 2009 Johanna Parker Design * Spring bluebird is the property of Johanna Parker and may not be used without permission.
Thanks again for looking!
~ Johanna
UPDATE!.. A great collector friend of mine, Deb in Pennsylvania, caught this piece just a few hours after posting it!... Thank You!... I'm so glad you checked as you never know what you may catch! For those of you hoping to catch a special one of a kind in the future, remember to click "Follow this Blog," at left and your Blogger Dashboard will update each time I create a new post. It's a great way to keep up with any new surprise Collector's Catch pieces, and a way to show your support and interest in my folk art as well :)
© 2009 Johanna Parker Design * Spring bluebird is the property of Johanna Parker and may not be used without permission.