By now, you have probably seen and heard of PFATT's charity Penny Tree Auction! It is a lovely feather tree laden with over 30 one of kind ornaments donated by the talented artists of PFATT. This labor of love listed on eBay last night, and the participants, including myself are truly hopeful for your help! We would love to raise a pot of gold for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and generate hope and smiles for our dear PFATT sister, Penny McAllister who is currently undergoing treatment. THANK YOU for your thoughtful bids!
The sweet one of a kind ladybug ornament pictured above is my contribution, and the magical image below is our group's donation, feather tree and all! What a wonderful catch indeed! Please spread the word!

PLEASE visit our Auction Page HERE...

A peek at the underside of my ornament reveals a bell as well!
Many Thanks,
~ Johanna