I wanted to share another fun Collector Spotlight with you this month! Through a chain of events, my collector friend Kevin in New Jersey stumbled across my Halloween folk art collectibles, and the rest is history. Since then, he has been adding both my originals and reproductions to his growing collection of Halloween decor. Fortunately, he had a moment to share some of his own photos with us, but he admits that much more of what he has collected, including several of my originals, are still in storage. So, perhaps we'll get to see the full collection next year. Kevin recently relocated, so I'm sure it's a bit of a challenge just finding all the goodies he has been accumulating! For now, enjoy a peek at what he has on display this year along with a fun Q & A! Thank you for sharing Kevin :)

J: How did you learn about my Halloween folk art?
K: I bought a Scott Smith item at a gift shop and stumbled across his Halloween and Vine website, saw your collection and had to have some. When I attended H&V last year I had a whole game plan. My plan was to dart to your table fist, place my orders and then dash to Scott's & Greg's and then place an order and see what was left.

* My original Base Chamber Vase Owl is surrounded here by two whimsical Greg Guedel carvings...
J: How long have you been collecting my originals?
K: Only about 2 or 3 years.

* A variety of collectible Halloween folk art pieces are on display in Kevin's Craftsmen-style curio cabinet...

* A Johanna Parker reproduction black cat candy container, third from left resides amongst Kevin's collection atop his curio cabinet and includes an eye catching witch and JOL boy from Scott Smith and a coffin boy from Living Dead Dolls...
J: What is it about my creations that captures your imagination?
K: They are so unique, and the fact they are each hand made. I love originals!

J: How did you learn about my Halloween folk art?
K: I bought a Scott Smith item at a gift shop and stumbled across his Halloween and Vine website, saw your collection and had to have some. When I attended H&V last year I had a whole game plan. My plan was to dart to your table fist, place my orders and then dash to Scott's & Greg's and then place an order and see what was left.

* My original Base Chamber Vase Owl is surrounded here by two whimsical Greg Guedel carvings...
J: How long have you been collecting my originals?
K: Only about 2 or 3 years.

* A variety of collectible Halloween folk art pieces are on display in Kevin's Craftsmen-style curio cabinet...

* A Johanna Parker reproduction black cat candy container, third from left resides amongst Kevin's collection atop his curio cabinet and includes an eye catching witch and JOL boy from Scott Smith and a coffin boy from Living Dead Dolls...
J: What is it about my creations that captures your imagination?
K: They are so unique, and the fact they are each hand made. I love originals!

* Kevin proudly displays an array of candy container originals on the various shelves. The black cat and owl piece are Johanna Parker originals and Lori Rudolph of Retro Rudolph's created the devil and smiling jack-o'-lantern. The orange cat & jack combo piece up top is vintage...
J: Where have you had the best luck in acquiring my original pieces; shows, web sales, Collector's Catch, eBay, etc?
K: Web sales, and too many at H&V. (Still paying those off...haha)

J: Where have you had the best luck in acquiring my original pieces; shows, web sales, Collector's Catch, eBay, etc?
K: Web sales, and too many at H&V. (Still paying those off...haha)

* Another one of my one of a kind owl candy containers shares a spot next to a whimsical Scott Smith skelly top-hat creation.
J: Do you have a favorite piece in your private collection?
K: Hmmm, tough questions. I wouldn't part with any but I'm fond of the owl you made me.

J: Do you have a favorite piece in your private collection?
K: Hmmm, tough questions. I wouldn't part with any but I'm fond of the owl you made me.

* Yet another one a kind owl from my studio to Kevin's house. I wonder if this is the owl he's referring to? He has quite a few!
J: Is there anything in particular you suggest I try making in the future?
K: Witches, maybe a Dracula or Frankenstein.

J: Is there anything in particular you suggest I try making in the future?
K: Witches, maybe a Dracula or Frankenstein.

* Speaking of witches, it looks like Kevin has at least one of my original witches! I believe she is a couple of years old, but looks pretty good for her age :)

* Back to the curio cabinet, Kevin has a trio of my Halloween buckets designed for Bethany Lowe Designs intermixed with a black cat from Greg Guedel.

* Back to the curio cabinet, Kevin has a trio of my Halloween buckets designed for Bethany Lowe Designs intermixed with a black cat from Greg Guedel.
*A variety of collectible Halloween folk art pieces resides on Kevin's antique buffet as well...Left to right: Johanna Parker reproduction JOL from Primitives by Kathy, Greg Guedel devil & witch, Johanna Parker reproduction black cat from Primitives by Kathy, Katherine Webber witch & Scott Smith JOL man. OH to be in such great company!!
What fun! Many thanks Kevin for allowing us to peek inside your new home to see how you decorate for the haunting season. We look forward to seeing more from you in the future, and I very much appreciate your love for my Halloween folk art as do the other artists that you represent in your collection. If I left anyone out, please let me know and I will offer you credit.
Cheers & Happy Halloween!
Cheers & Happy Halloween!
~ Johanna