Happy St. Patty's Day!
Well, did ya think I'd forget this one? HaHa, not a chance! I had a spurt of St. Patrick's day inspiration over the weekend and set to work on a mini leprechaun hat for Mr. Jack. This was serious business indeed! Of course, Jack knew I was up to trouble and sat at my feet while I wrapped various shades of green chenille, round and round my handmade hat. He always seems to know when I'm making him a new seasonal accessory! Luckily, and I mean LUCKily, he was a good sport when it came time to take his photo. He simply would have no part of the ribbon-under-the-chin combo, so I just set my silly hat on his head and he proudly posed. Cheers to all and ENJOY Jack's latest holiday fashion! Don't forget to wear your GREEN, and to leave a jolly comment here for GOOD LUCK!
~ Johanna

* © 2010 Johanna Parker Design *Photos & Designs are the property of Johanna Parker and may not be used without permission.
~ Johanna

* © 2010 Johanna Parker Design *Photos & Designs are the property of Johanna Parker and may not be used without permission.
Feelin' Lucky?!
Since I love the color green, and I love Halloween, I thought it would be fun to make a holiday crossover piece that incorporates St. Patrick's Day and Halloween! So, I set out a to make a black cat kettle cup, and "Lucky" here was the result.... You can click HERE for his auction link on eBay, and thank you for your kind bids!
Best of Luck! ~ Johanna

* © 2010 Johanna Parker Design *Photos & Designs are the property of Johanna Parker and may not be used without permission.
Best of Luck! ~ Johanna

* © 2010 Johanna Parker Design *Photos & Designs are the property of Johanna Parker and may not be used without permission.