Our spring cleaning started early this year and right amidst my busy holiday show season. And, as inspiration often arrives in spontaneous waves, it tosses time and schedules to the wind! So, that's where we found ourselves right after my Halloween birthday. A need for change and organization was in the air, and although I admit that I was reluctant to jump on JP's Project: Home-Overhaul, I am now so glad that I did. If you wondered where I disappeared to during the month of November, well, I was busy sifting through my art supplies, and reshuffling my garage workshop and house!
I distinctly remember a highly intuitive friend of mine pulling me aside in October to share her vision that we would soon be moving, and I would have a sunny studio with lots of natural light. The idea of moving had me puzzled and actually a little sad, so I just stored her vision away. However, within two weeks, JP and I were boxing up our things, carting furniture around and lifting heavy equipment up and down the stairs. It wasn't until after the grand reorganization plan began, that I recalled her words and realized the truth in her vision. I was moving out of my garage workshop space and into our back sunroom, with three walls of windows! Uh-Hah! Although we didn't have to change our physical address to achieve her sunny studio premonition, we pretty much MOVED a lot of stuff. In fact, we are still sifting through this and that, and settling in our changed surroundings, but all feels good and well!
In between this massive stuff-shuffle, as I like to call it, I have been sculpting frosty folk art friends for a December 13th Web Sale. Fortunately, settling in my new creative space came naturally, and I delighted in decorating my artist nook. The vintage red and green hues offered much playful musings while I painted my holiday characters. While it's not quite perfect, it's better and better each day. Here are a few photos of both my new sunny sunroom space and some folk art in the works!
~ Johanna

* That's me in my tattered apron, smiling wide! JP made my beautiful workbench years ago, and finally, it has a chance to be seen! Now, if I can just keep the surface clean.. . .

* My buddy Jack is now my creative partner too! He is excited to see me throughout each day in one of his favorite bird-watching rooms.......

* My creative space from a distance is framed by our 1939 kitchen entry arch...

* My workbench is clustered with a variety of projects in the works. I hung a vintage half apron and a pair of table cloth corners in the lower halves of the windows for partial privacy and good cheer. Of course, Jack can still peek out, so all is good!

* JP snuck up from behind to catch me painting a snowgirl! An old family handmade shelf was dusted off from storage and now serves as my brush keeper. It's a perfect fit! It's almost as if it's been waiting all these years to hang right here . . .

* Here's a peek at some winter characters in the works for my December 13th Web Sale . . . It's just around the corner!

* Eek, JP caught me licking my brush! I bet I'm not the only painter that does this in order to keep the fine bristles to a crisp point. . .

* And look who's now watching me from behind! Jack on a colorful cushion of course! The old kitchen hutch now houses art supplies as well as a few pots and pans :)

Thanks for stopping by to visit me in my new creative space . . . I'll take more photos after the holidays. For now, I'm wishing you much joy and many smiles!
( Jane, you were right! :)
I distinctly remember a highly intuitive friend of mine pulling me aside in October to share her vision that we would soon be moving, and I would have a sunny studio with lots of natural light. The idea of moving had me puzzled and actually a little sad, so I just stored her vision away. However, within two weeks, JP and I were boxing up our things, carting furniture around and lifting heavy equipment up and down the stairs. It wasn't until after the grand reorganization plan began, that I recalled her words and realized the truth in her vision. I was moving out of my garage workshop space and into our back sunroom, with three walls of windows! Uh-Hah! Although we didn't have to change our physical address to achieve her sunny studio premonition, we pretty much MOVED a lot of stuff. In fact, we are still sifting through this and that, and settling in our changed surroundings, but all feels good and well!
In between this massive stuff-shuffle, as I like to call it, I have been sculpting frosty folk art friends for a December 13th Web Sale. Fortunately, settling in my new creative space came naturally, and I delighted in decorating my artist nook. The vintage red and green hues offered much playful musings while I painted my holiday characters. While it's not quite perfect, it's better and better each day. Here are a few photos of both my new sunny sunroom space and some folk art in the works!
~ Johanna

* That's me in my tattered apron, smiling wide! JP made my beautiful workbench years ago, and finally, it has a chance to be seen! Now, if I can just keep the surface clean.. . .

* My buddy Jack is now my creative partner too! He is excited to see me throughout each day in one of his favorite bird-watching rooms.......

* My creative space from a distance is framed by our 1939 kitchen entry arch...

* My workbench is clustered with a variety of projects in the works. I hung a vintage half apron and a pair of table cloth corners in the lower halves of the windows for partial privacy and good cheer. Of course, Jack can still peek out, so all is good!

* JP snuck up from behind to catch me painting a snowgirl! An old family handmade shelf was dusted off from storage and now serves as my brush keeper. It's a perfect fit! It's almost as if it's been waiting all these years to hang right here . . .

* Here's a peek at some winter characters in the works for my December 13th Web Sale . . . It's just around the corner!

* Eek, JP caught me licking my brush! I bet I'm not the only painter that does this in order to keep the fine bristles to a crisp point. . .

* And look who's now watching me from behind! Jack on a colorful cushion of course! The old kitchen hutch now houses art supplies as well as a few pots and pans :)

Thanks for stopping by to visit me in my new creative space . . . I'll take more photos after the holidays. For now, I'm wishing you much joy and many smiles!
( Jane, you were right! :)