Our Indian Summer has just been delightful with warm days and autumn leaves, rich in my favorite earthen hues. The sunny days allowed JP the opportunity to put the finishing touches on our custom-made garden shed which he built from the ground up! It's truly amazing what he is capable of creating...I can't wait till next spring when I can use it to its fullest with my very own potting table and a window that I can peer out and spy on the feeding birds. I find much inspiration in watching the critters out back. Here are some of my favorite snaps I recently took while watching nature in action...
~ Johanna

* An adorable flicker forages for ripened crab apples from our backyard tree...

* A cropped image of my beautiful garden shed just built by hubby JP....

* Squirrels munch on seeds scattered by the birds from the feeder above...

* An autumn-hued butterfly extracts the nectar from a dandelion flower...

* JP spotted this tiny mouse high above the ground, resting in a mass of bittersweet vines...

* Another view of our new garden shed which we enjoy glancing at each day... JP laid the mosaic-like stone foundation that surrounds the shed & tree... It has become a stage for daily wildlife viewing...
~ Johanna
* An adorable flicker forages for ripened crab apples from our backyard tree...
* A cropped image of my beautiful garden shed just built by hubby JP....
* Squirrels munch on seeds scattered by the birds from the feeder above...
* An autumn-hued butterfly extracts the nectar from a dandelion flower...
* JP spotted this tiny mouse high above the ground, resting in a mass of bittersweet vines...
* Another view of our new garden shed which we enjoy glancing at each day... JP laid the mosaic-like stone foundation that surrounds the shed & tree... It has become a stage for daily wildlife viewing...