Spring Giveaway Raffle * 3 Prizes!

Hi Friends :) We are celebrating the Grand Opening of my new Spoonflower Shop ~ a fun website where you can order my designs on fabrics, wallpaper and gift wrap! You can help by bringing some attention and love to my new shop, and in return, I will mirror your efforts as multiple entries into our 3-Prize-Raffle. Liking a design, or in this case, "hearting" my art, leaving comments, following my shop and even making a purchase all go towards building my online store's credibility. So, let's create a Buzz :)

NOTE: In order to interact, you'll need to Sign In to Spoonflower

Play along by choosing as many ways as you wish to enter: 
(No purchase necessary) 

 - Click the Heart symbol next to some of your favorite swatches

- Follow my Spoonflower Shop under the Connect sidebar

- Comment on your favorite designs

- Order fabric, wallpaper or gift wrap from my Spoonflower Shop, and/or hop on over to the Roostery by clicking on the pillow icon underneath each swatch and order one of my many products, made & ready to enjoy! 

Spoonflower's notifications will alert me when you interact in my Shop.
 So, I'll be able to track my supporters & count your entries.

3 Winners will be drawn on March 31st!

* Good Luck & Thank You! *

~ Johanna ~


Good Eggs for you!

Many thanks to those you on my Mailing List and beyond who have adopted a set or two of my Good Egg Sitters! These are truly sweet and unique folk art characters for spring. Line them a across a shelf or nest them in an Easter basket for smiles and delight. Developed from my illustrations, these guys are authorized licensed designs from my new 2017 Transpac, Inc. line. Only available this year, collect them while you can! I've ordered extras, and each will arrive signed and shipped directly from the artist (that's me!)  EMAIL ME to adopt your "Good Egg Sittin' Set Quartet"...

Happy Spring & Thank you for your support :)

~ Johanna


Spring it On!...

Hi Friends,

It seems that my blog posts are fewer and farther between these days, Although I have had good intentions to post and share here, time has been slipping away. For some reason it seems that the hours are speeding up, and my to-do list often falls short! I hope I am not alone! Lately, I have favored the convenience of snapping a quick photo with my phone while I work and simply posting with a touch of the button to Instagram and or Facebook. So, for those of you that follow me there, these photos will be yesterday's news. I must admit that there's nothing quite like choosing a camera lens, adjusting the lighting and styling a photo. But sometimes I just do not have the time... especially when my fingers are covered in papier mache and paint!

Well, spring has just about sprung, both outside and inside my workshop! And my excuse about time speeding up also extends to my art. I feel like I have been working on this small collection for months, as I have been juggling other projects as well. But, with Easter just around the corner, it's time to wrap it up! While I had hoped to schedule a spring web sale, I have now decided to simplify things a bit by "springing" a spontaneous newsletter which will include links to these items. So, please keep an eye on your inbox during the next few days. I still have to add trims to each piece, and take their individual photos with a real camera. So, don't hold your breath just yet. But, thank you for your patience! And when my newsletter arrives, and if you see something you like, please EMAIL ME with the name of the piece you are interested in. I will be reserving each piece in the order of inquiries received. If you have not joined my Mailing List just yet, you can do so HERE...

For now, I am sharing a sneak peek at my spring original works in their various stages of progress.....

~ Johanna


* A peek from above of my spring originals in the works, all laying on their sides...


* An earlier photo reveals my rather random process of painting these whimsical characters... This is the first time I have added a flower character into the mix! I had fun making a few tulips.....


* Included in this small collection of eight pieces are busts, ball characters and egg cups...


* And, here's a look back at one of my colorful palettes where I continued to mix my colors of spring!

Happy o'Natural Easter!...

It's EASTER! ~ well minus the bangles and beads, bows, collars and party hats! I hope you all are not tooooo disappointed, but Mr. Jack wanted to fashion his o'natural side for this spring holiday. Next time around, we hope to be a wee bit more creative when it comes to sprucing up for the season. But speaking of,  JP and I have been busy-bees, sprucing up our landscape, carving and shaping berms, setting stones and creating rock walls around our property. It's starting to take shape! The goal is to sew clover seeds by the end of this week which will create a whimsical carpet of green while retaining our soil before the spring rain falls..... So, we're practically racing against the clock to get things in place and ready for the next phase! I promise to take photos soon and will share them here with you. The word from passers-by has been very positive and inspiring :)


Anyway, we are just "peeking" in to wish you a Happy Easter! Now, we're off to go hunt for more rocks and play in the dirt....

Best Wishes to you!
~ Johanna