Tomorrow is September!!!!! EEEK! In less than 2 weeks, I will be setting up a display of Halloween eye candy at Denver's 5th Annual Trunk Show! Some of my original pieces, destined for this show, are still standing naked, awaiting paint while others are ready for a coat of finish and their portraits taken for my personal records. I have lots yet to do, and it's only 11 days away! My parents were in town last week and over the weekend to celebrate Mom's birthday, and it was a BIG one, by the way! We had lots of fun catching up, but I was unable to set aside time to create a special piece for August's EHAG Emporium, and I apologize for that. It has been one of those busy-crazy years, so now I am trying to meet my own goals for what I hope to make and take to my 2 Halloween art shows this year. I know some of you loyal collectors travel in from many states away, and I don't want to disappoint! For those unable to attend, rest assured that I am setting aside a fun mix to offer for my October Web Sale (finally, I know!). I just haven't decided what date I will host that yet. I'm thinking somewhere between Sunday, October 10 - Wednesday October 13 would work best for my schedule. Your feedback would be appreciated, so let me know what works best for you! Thanks for checking in, and I hope to see you at an upcoming show!
Here is a sneak peek of just some of the goodies I have in store for this year's show season.....
~ Johanna

Here is a sneak peek of just some of the goodies I have in store for this year's show season.....
~ Johanna