Six Silent Auctions, Ending Soon!

Don't miss the 6 Silent Auctions on our Website featuring a selection of my collectible folk art originals, all appearing in the current issue of Where Women Create Magazine! Best Offers for each piece are being accepted until the auctions end on December 13th. Visit our Silent Auction page for a medley of photos and details about each piece as well as magazine snapshots of each character. ALL Bids are welcome, so don’t be shy! Jump on in with a bid so that we can update you with the latest best offer before the auction ends. THANK YOU for your interest and support!


Best Wishes & Good Luck!
~ Johanna

Project Green Gables, Texture Complete!

Well, it's time for my monthly update on Project Green Gables. With Halloween show season fast approaching, my progress on this labor of love has been intermittent. However, I have good news! After hours of intensive application, all the dimensional elements and overlaying texture have been applied, and the gable is ready for paint! Yay! Today, we brought home a quart of vintage green paint and JP has already coated the entire base in this lovely hue. As time allows, I will be dry-brushing on the cream accents to allow my design to pop. Stay tuned for more updates here and scroll down to my previous blog posts to see all the various phases of the project.....

Best Wishes,
~ Johanna


* And there she is in her sprawling beauty!  :) Click each image for a larger view...


* A closer glimpse reveals all the woody texture that I applied to the various scrolling vines...


* And here's a zoom on the right bird's profile, feathers and all...


* Another perspective helps to express the dimensional qualities of the sculpture...


* And of course, we have a few blossoms to round out the design...


* As well as a perched cutie facing forward...


* And a third bird completes the composition!


* Jack didn't offer too much physical help it seems, but he was often by my side, keeping me company. However, that big yawn probably means that he's about over this project and ready for me to get back to my Halloween black cat making! :) And that's probably a good idea given the date! I hope to See YOU at the Glens Art Walk! I better get busy!....

You can also Follow along with me on INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK & PINTEREST

Project Green Gables Update...

Hi all! It's time for an update... August has crept in, so I'm juggling all sorts of projects right now including our front gable design! I've been snapping a few "work in progress" photos of my steps along the way and will include those in this post. At this point,  each half of the gable is completely filled in with layers of papier mache. If all goes well, I have just one layer left to apply which will create the woody texture and other detailed elements in the scene. Stay tuned for more photos in a week or so...


* After I pencil-sketched my design in place outside on the the front gables, JP removed the halves and brought them indoors for me to work on. Then, I roughly outlined the art in black marker pen.


* Scrolling vines, perching birds, dots, and....


* Flowers of course!.....


* After the lines were drawn, I spent a few days adding layers of papier mache skim coat to cover the plywood. I roughly filled in the spaces between the design with this layer build.


* Once the base dried, I began filling in the elements with a thick layer of papier mache to create dimension...


* The shapes and characters started to pop with this step! All have been drying out in the sun, awaiting the last layer of papier mache that will create the dimensional texture I hope to achieve. Wish me luck, and check back for more updates soon! (And yes, Jack enjoyed watching me work in a novel place. He was initially intrigued with my project, although I think he's sleeping in this photo :)

Bzzzzz... June Bugs Web Sale!

Hi Friends,

Once again, it's been a while since I've been in touch, and that goes to show that I have been a busy bee! Right now, my sunroom studio is filled with wire wings and delicately curled antenna, all awaiting to be attached to their whimsical bug companions. I have sculpted a collection of 10 one of a kind folk art bugs, including bees, butterflies, beetles and more for my June Bugs Web Sale! With the garden in bloom and the pollinators bouncing from one flower to the next, I was inspired to take a moment (or, in this case, a few months) to celebrate and create my interpretation of these garden characters. It's been a fun diversion from my classic fall & winter holiday palette, and I am looking forward to sharing them with you on my Folk Art Originals page this month!

I invite you to join me, so please Save the Date: Sunday, June 26th
Please Join my Mailing List for the Start time and more details.

Happy Summer & Enjoy the Garden!

~ Johanna


Mixing it up with Red, White & Blue!

Hello friends! I know it has been far too long since I have blogged. I miss writing and sharing photos of my work, and I miss having the extra time to do so. Thus far, this year has been a busy one, brimming with creative projects, family visits and volunteering for the community. I told JP that we really needed to snap a few quick pics in the workshop just to reassure folks afar that we are still alive and creating! So, today, JP captured a few photos while I added the final layers of papier mache patch to my in-progress collection of patriotic characters. The Americana-themed subject matter is a rare genre for me as I often jump directly from spring to Halloween. But, the requests from collectors to make a few red, white a blue guys have begun to echo more and more. So, I set the orange and black paints aside for a palette more reminiscent of 4th of July! I look forward to painting these pieces soon and watching them come to life! Currently, I have nine pieces in the works. The plan is to host an Americana Web Sale in mid to late June. So, stay tuned for more information to come! And Join my Mailing List if you have not done so. Enjoy the photos, and thank you for taking the time to visit my blog!

Wishing you a Happy Summer!

~ Johanna


* There I am filling in the voids and smoothing out the face of a Lady Liberty bust. Each piece goes through a process of many layers of papier mache between periods of drying...


* More patching was also necessary for an Uncle Sam ball character underway. As I do not use underlying forms, manufactured spheres, etc… to build my pieces, each has a hand formed feel. I do try my best to even out the ball characters to balance their appearance. Some may notice that my folk art is organic in form.


* Here is a sneak peek at pair of patriotic egg cup characters. JP just finished sanding these little guys, and they have been yearning for paint!


* And of course, Americana art is not complete without a bald eagle!

To keep in touch with my progress, make sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram….

The Holidays are Marching in!...

With the snap of a finger or perhaps the page turn of a calendar, my workshop has transformed into a scene from Santa's workshop! The only trouble is that the elves are missing! I could certainly use a few right now. I sifted through 10, HUGE boxes of my holiday reproductions, unpacking and inspecting each piece and then pricing and signing them in preparation for our 11th Annual Holiday Folk Art Show & Open House! My, what an ordeal! The last few years, we have sold out of about everything at our holiday event, so I ordered a few extra goodies this year. So, make sure you Save the Dates - December 7th & 8th! Visit my Website for all the details!

Time is of the essence, and I have much yet to accomplish before this special show. So, I will leave you with a few photos of just some of the characters that have invaded my workspace... I think the term "marching in" is appropriate for some of these vignettes! I have many originals yet to paint, but as December draws near, I will offer a few sneak peeks. You'll see that I captured just a few below, but I promise there are more to come! So stay tuned.....

Happy Holidays to you!
~ Johanna


* An army of Santas balance on Christmas packages and raise cane!


* A cluster of prim snowmen, don woolen scarves in a variety of hues...


* A grouping of snowmen, strike a yoga-like pose and juggle snowballs too!


* More prim snowmen, wearing cozy scarves, await the arrival of winter...


* Novelty box snowmen raise their wiry arms and whistle a holiday tune....or so it seems!


* Here's a glimpse at my work bench while I unpacked box after box. In the foreground I am holding a my new Santa ornament. And yes, I ordered more vintage style bottle brush trees with baubles!


* I have also been making holiday hats and cones to adorn some of my original characters...


* And here's a peek at my paint palette with a pair of holiday ornament bells in the works...


* And before the paint is applied, my original sculptures look rather white and in need of a splash of color! This small set is at various stages of completion. I look forward to the day when I can say ALL are complete! (and not just what are pictured here....)


Again, SAVE the DATES! Visit my WEBSITE for more details and make sure to Join my Mailing List for the Invitation and all the details.

* I will be posting snap shots of my progress on Instagram, so Follow along at:

Throughout the month of November,  I will be sharing peeks at last year's Holiday Open House on my Facebook Artist Page, so check often and offer me a LIKE & say HI while you are there!

Follow Me on Pinterest

Works in Progress...

Just thought I would share a peek at what is in the works this month. A bulldog on a ball, a cat on a moon, a pinocchio-nosed jack-o'-lantern and a witch with a wild "do" are becoming fast friends in my workshop studio. More characters are underway, and I am pondering the idea of hosting a web sale with a summer carnival twist. We'll see! The current cast of characters may end up in the Halloween vault, but that's the beauty of these guys as they can swing either way :)  Stay tuned and please Join My Mailing list to receive my next newsletter with all the details!

By the way, if you are an artist, craftsman, painter, etc... What are YOU creating? Do tell.....

Best wishes,
~ Johanna


In the Rough...

Although this is a bit exposing, I thought I would offer you a sneak peek at what I have been working on. Time certainly likes to tick away, and before I know it, the fall season will be here! This happens every year! So, I am starting to chip away at this year's collection of Halloween originals. I will cart some of these characters off to one of the 2 Halloween Events that I will exhibit in this year, while others will be offered throughout the year via online web sales, eBay and more. At the moment, most of these guys are in the rough. It takes layer upon layer for me to attain the desired look and smoothness when working my papier mache. So, if they look a wee bit bumpy, well eventually they will all be smooth to the touch. If only I could snap my fingers and they would all be complete! (still working on that!)

For now, enjoy the peek!
~ Johanna

* I am really enjoying the ghosts this year! These whimsical characters will be a fun addition to my Halloween line......

* More ghosts, some owls, cats and jacks, are all at various stages of drying and completion....

* A cat egg cup cries out for arms and a few coats of paint to bring him to life!

* Ouch! Looks like I am poking this poor hoot-hoot's eye out, but really I'm just smoothing the papier mache.....

Maybe you'll spot one of these characters all decked out in his or her finery, later this year, or perhaps sooner if I decide to part with a few here and there......

Thanks for stopping by!

PS... Did you know that Johanna Parker Design now has a Fan Page on Facebook?
Please join me there for news, photos and fun! Make sure to click the LIKE button once you are there to stay in touch! Thank you......

Photos & Folk Art Designs, © 2011 Johanna Parker Design, LLC. Images may not be used without permission.

A Cone Zone Christmas!...

I feel so very fortunate as we were blessed with nice weather this past weekend while we hosted our 8th Annual Holiday Folk Art Show and Open House! We had a record number of guests who stopped by to spread smiles and collect special goodies for the gift-giving season. A big THANKS goes out to all that came out from both near and even states away to join us! We enjoyed visiting with you and were pleased that you enjoyed your visit! So, I know you're waiting to see the latest photos from this year's festivities, so here goes!

* I wasn't kidding about the "Cone Zone Christmas" which I appropriately coined for this year's event! We started MAJOR construction in September, had gaping holes on 3 sides of our home to work on our foundation and expanded sub-ground living spaces. For those of you who have been to our home in the past, there was an apparent change to the appearance of our front yard. It's certainly no where complete, but with a little imagination, I think many of you were able to see the dream in motion.....

* I took the Cone Zone Christmas one step further into Johannaland, and whimsified them just a touch with shiny aluminum tree branches and vintage baubles! It was a play on words that materialized unexpectedly :)

* Our new front porch vestibule addition is still just in our minds, so a temporary plywood porch greeted guests. I dressed it up with an old sled, the tree topper of that vintage aluminum tree and one of my latest snowmen figures from Primitives by Kathy.....

* Upon entering, guests were greeted with this fun center display of eye candy! As usual, with my endless list of to-dos, I didn't have a moment to snap any photos until about an hour before the event started. It was as rush-rush frenzy indoors while shoppers started to arrive early outside.

* A closer peek reveals my love for vintage style. My reproduction Santas and snowmen collectibles happily mingle amongst old antique finds...

* Quick! I strike a pose between shooting the various displays! I look calm, but trust me, I was breaking a sweat in that fuzzy sweater, living up to its name :)

* A quick 180 behind me reveals a close up of my whimsical lollipop snowmen!
One shopper said they were "creepy cool"... Guess a little of my Halloween side tends to reveal itself in other holiday creations of mine!

* A quick pan to my left and you see my mantel strewn with the remainder of my one of a kind holiday originals for this season. I only wish I had made more for a web sale this year, but with our construction and busy scheduling, it has been difficult to find more time to devote to these labor intensive pieces. I promise next year to spend more time on a holiday collection of one of a kinds!

* Here's a peek at "Miss Merry Be," an original winter kitty who found a home this past Saturday!...

* Two more delightful snowmen originals with arms open wide, also found homes!

* Looking toward the front door, you see the backside of my entrance table filled with a variety of holiday goodies! Let's take a closer look.....

* A grouping of "sock snowmen" designed by my mother, Kathy Parker for Primitives by Kathy were a big hit! Cute!

* Festive ornaments dangle while Santas and snowmen stay firmly clipped to a lovely white feather tree. A sleigh filled with pre-packaged snowmen ornaments ready to give as gifts was quickly emptied once the shoppers arrived....

* Here's a wide shot of the main room. Off to the left is the passage to our kitchen which I unfortunately ran out of time to shoot! Next year, I MUST be more organized! Better yet, join my mailing list for the official invite and see if for yourself next year!

* Let's take a closer peek at my front display where the armature from an old lamp shade makes for the perfect display for my latest charm necklaces, offered by Primitives by Kathy...

* It's time to make a WISH!

* Remember that large snowman on our front porch? Well, he has a mini-me snowman companion! heheh!

* I always have some great year-end close-out sales at our Open House! Here's my corner of Spring delights, and even with the chill in the air, the pastel birds were flying the coop!

* Speaking of birds, my sweet "SING" charm was a fun find along with the Penny Rug charm necklace and others. I grabbed an old plant stand and some clothespins to soon find that I had a fun way to display these wearable art pieces...

* One of the first pieces you notice when you enter our home is this lovely hand-crafted cabinet that JP made for me YEARS ago to house my art supplies. It's more of a catch-all piece now, but certainly has not lost its luster! This year, I topped it with a vintage Christmas tree from my mom's childhood, passed down to me. I grew up decorating this tree in my bedroom each year, and now it's our family tree! (it has also made for a great prop at my local shows!)

* Ahh, I spot one more set of these fun characters standing next to that magical tree!

* And what's not Christmas without a little Halloween! Well, that's how I roll at least :) Enter my studio room to see a grand display of year-end Halloween delights, all marked down for our shoppers!

* I cordon off half of this workspace and devote it to Halloween each year. It goes through quite the transformation in just a few hours time. Hmm, who's that in the window?

* Well, if it isn't Mr. Jack, the black cat, watching the birds from his favorite roost! In the foreground, crescent moons, owls and jack-o'-lanterns play well with the black cat king himself....

* The clock was ticking... one minute till, and JP and I were running around finishing the last possible details, lighting candles and preparing for our guests! I quickly grabbed a pile of box trays to hand to our shoppers as they arrived..... WELCOME!

* We were greeted with smile after smile which made all the effort so worthwhile!

* Guess those box trays came in handy as folks collected ornaments and other delights to fill their homes with!

* At the end of the day, Jack and I posed for a happy pic, as we reminisced over a lovely day filled with countless hugs, laughter and smiles! I appreciate that so many of you saved the date and joined us for our 8th Annual Event! Next year will be the big 9, so please mark your calendars for the first weekend in December, 2011 and join us once again! You won't regret it :)

Cheers & Happy Holidays,
~ Johanna

Chasing the Clock!....

Tomorrow is September!!!!! EEEK! In less than 2 weeks, I will be setting up a display of Halloween eye candy at Denver's 5th Annual Trunk Show! Some of my original pieces, destined for this show, are still standing naked, awaiting paint while others are ready for a coat of finish and their portraits taken for my personal records. I have lots yet to do, and it's only 11 days away! My parents were in town last week and over the weekend to celebrate Mom's birthday, and it was a BIG one, by the way! We had lots of fun catching up, but I was unable to set aside time to create a special piece for August's EHAG Emporium, and I apologize for that. It has been one of those busy-crazy years, so now I am trying to meet my own goals for what I hope to make and take to my 2 Halloween art shows this year. I know some of you loyal collectors travel in from many states away, and I don't want to disappoint! For those unable to attend, rest assured that I am setting aside a fun mix to offer for my October Web Sale (finally, I know!). I just haven't decided what date I will host that yet. I'm thinking somewhere between Sunday, October 10 - Wednesday October 13 would work best for my schedule. Your feedback would be appreciated, so let me know what works best for you! Thanks for checking in, and I hope to see you at an upcoming show!

Here is a sneak peek of just some of the goodies I have in store for this year's show season.....

~ Johanna





Spring Welcome...

Happy April 1st to all! The sun is shining and little hints of spring are emerging outdoors. More and more of our feathered friends have been appearing at our feeder as the days warm, and it's always a joy to see them return. Indoors as well, the birds are getting all the attention! In the spirit of spring, I decorated my mantel with a pair of my spring standing birds which I designed for Bethany Lowe. They are new this year, and I really love how sweet they are. The only bummer is that they sold out in January, so I am uncertain where they can be purchased, or if they can be found at this time. It seems only a handful were produced, but I have a feeling that they will be making a come back next year. So, please tell your favorite online vendor or shopkeeper that you'd like to pre-order a set so we can get more of these little tweet-hearts in production! I appreciate it and the birds do too!

Happy Spring,
~ Johanna

* I see that Traditions is accepting your pre-orders for next year! And check with Bayberry Cove too!...

I have my own pair because each designer gets a pair of complimentary samples, but I was too late in placing my spring order. They had ALL been snatched up to my surprise!

* Sorry for the tease, but with your help I know they will be migrating back next year!
~ Thank you!

CATCH this Halloween Cat if you can!...

Surprise! I just finished a new Collector's Catch piece! He's now posted on my website! "Moon-Star Max," an enchanting black & cream-colored cat is ready for adoption! GO TO my Website to see details. Once there, be sure to click on the image for more views and descriptions. Please send me an email if you'd like to adopt this spooky-fun cat, and later I will update the page to reveal who caught this collectible piece!....

Thanks again for looking!
~ Johanna

UPDATE!.. Patricia, a great collector friend of mine, caught this guy in the first 5 minutes! WooHoo, it's your lucky day :) THANK YOU!


Work in Progress...

Well, given that it's mid August, I decided it was time to switch gears from my sculpting frenzy in order to focus on my painting... What's the point of having a collection of unpainted, naked sculptures when their coloration and pattern really bring them to life! So, this past week, I began to add paint to my various one of kind characters! I have much to do yet, and I realize that I tend to be more meticulous and particular with my painting as each year goes by. I know I should be whipping these guys out by now, but on the contrary ( and much to my frustration ) it seems to take me longer. Oh well. For those of you curious, I snapped a quick pic of my workroom counter....

Halloween Work in Progress
* A mix of Halloween folk art characters either await paint or a coat of clear finish...

You may also have noticed a couple of new badges on the upper sidebars of my blog. At right, I created a graphic and link to Denver's 4th Annual Halloween Trunk Show. Some of these originals will be offered at this fun event! Click on the badge to visit a collage of images from last year's show along with the date and time details. I hope many of my local collector friends will join us!

Also, at left there is a text link below a graphic referring to my Artist Interview. If you click on the text link, you will be routed to Sally Evan's website. She features creative entrepreneurs, and it is my honor to be her current guest feature! You can purchase either a down-loadable audio file or disc of our hour-plus long conversation. I think you may find it interesting, hopefully inspiring, useful and an insight into my life and career path..... THANKS to all for your interest....

Back to work!
~ Johanna

Halloween Owl Kettle Cup on eBay!

Flutter flutter, flap flap, do not snooze and do not nap!
My original OWL in a cup, is hoping to be snatched up.
The clock is ticking fast, and his auction will not last.
So click on his image below, and best of luck you go!

{ Thanks for looking and for each & every bid! }
~ Johanna

* © 2009 Johanna Parker Design * Owl photo & design is the property of Johanna Parker and may not be used without permission.

It's a Messy Job.....

But, somebody's gotta do it, right?! :) Today, JP snapped some photos of me mixing up a batch of papier mache. Let me tell you, it's sticky, gooey, and dusty all at once! Mixing this stuff is certainly not the most glamorous step, but it is indeed necessary if I want to sculpt anything. Lucky for me, JP recently upgraded my messy-zone and added a nice fan for ventilation so I'm not inhaling that dusty powder. Ahhhh...... Anyway, we were having fun taking pictures of the process, and I was hoping to get a little sympathy from you!....hehe! Enjoy the peek at a day in the life of a papier mache folk artist......

~ Johanna

* See how my left hand stays dry as it adds powder to the bowl, while my right hand gets wet while mixing the batch.....

* Watch out!... Frenzied folk artist on the loose!....

* See how it fills the cracks in my skin and packs deep under my fingernails.... Lovely....

* Mix mix mix as I smile.....

* I knew those long fingers would come in handy....