With the snap of a finger or perhaps the page turn of a calendar, my workshop has transformed into a scene from Santa's workshop! The only trouble is that the elves are missing! I could certainly use a few right now. I sifted through 10, HUGE boxes of my holiday reproductions, unpacking and inspecting each piece and then pricing and signing them in preparation for our 11th Annual Holiday Folk Art Show & Open House! My, what an ordeal! The last few years, we have sold out of about everything at our holiday event, so I ordered a few extra goodies this year. So, make sure you Save the Dates - December 7th & 8th! Visit my Website for all the details!
Time is of the essence, and I have much yet to accomplish before this special show. So, I will leave you with a few photos of just some of the characters that have invaded my workspace... I think the term "marching in" is appropriate for some of these vignettes! I have many originals yet to paint, but as December draws near, I will offer a few sneak peeks. You'll see that I captured just a few below, but I promise there are more to come! So stay tuned.....
Happy Holidays to you!
~ Johanna

* An army of Santas balance on Christmas packages and raise cane!

* A cluster of prim snowmen, don woolen scarves in a variety of hues...

* A grouping of snowmen, strike a yoga-like pose and juggle snowballs too!

* More prim snowmen, wearing cozy scarves, await the arrival of winter...

* Novelty box snowmen raise their wiry arms and whistle a holiday tune....or so it seems!

* Here's a glimpse at my work bench while I unpacked box after box. In the foreground I am holding a my new Santa ornament. And yes, I ordered more vintage style bottle brush trees with baubles!

* I have also been making holiday hats and cones to adorn some of my original characters...

* And here's a peek at my paint palette with a pair of holiday ornament bells in the works...

* And before the paint is applied, my original sculptures look rather white and in need of a splash of color! This small set is at various stages of completion. I look forward to the day when I can say ALL are complete! (and not just what are pictured here....)

Again, SAVE the DATES! Visit my WEBSITE for more details and make sure to Join my Mailing List for the Invitation and all the details.
* I will be posting snap shots of my progress on Instagram, so Follow along at:

Throughout the month of November, I will be sharing peeks at last year's Holiday Open House on my Facebook Artist Page, so check often and offer me a LIKE & say HI while you are there!

Time is of the essence, and I have much yet to accomplish before this special show. So, I will leave you with a few photos of just some of the characters that have invaded my workspace... I think the term "marching in" is appropriate for some of these vignettes! I have many originals yet to paint, but as December draws near, I will offer a few sneak peeks. You'll see that I captured just a few below, but I promise there are more to come! So stay tuned.....
Happy Holidays to you!
~ Johanna

* An army of Santas balance on Christmas packages and raise cane!

* A cluster of prim snowmen, don woolen scarves in a variety of hues...

* A grouping of snowmen, strike a yoga-like pose and juggle snowballs too!

* More prim snowmen, wearing cozy scarves, await the arrival of winter...

* Novelty box snowmen raise their wiry arms and whistle a holiday tune....or so it seems!

* Here's a glimpse at my work bench while I unpacked box after box. In the foreground I am holding a my new Santa ornament. And yes, I ordered more vintage style bottle brush trees with baubles!

* I have also been making holiday hats and cones to adorn some of my original characters...

* And here's a peek at my paint palette with a pair of holiday ornament bells in the works...

* And before the paint is applied, my original sculptures look rather white and in need of a splash of color! This small set is at various stages of completion. I look forward to the day when I can say ALL are complete! (and not just what are pictured here....)

Again, SAVE the DATES! Visit my WEBSITE for more details and make sure to Join my Mailing List for the Invitation and all the details.
* I will be posting snap shots of my progress on Instagram, so Follow along at:

Throughout the month of November, I will be sharing peeks at last year's Holiday Open House on my Facebook Artist Page, so check often and offer me a LIKE & say HI while you are there!