A Peek at Art Licensing & How Products Take Shape...

Ever wonder how a licensed product takes shape? Well, I have devoted a whole BLOG Post to explaining my experience, sharing the steps from A to Z. To illustrate the process, I am showing how we developed last year’s Black Cat Mug from rough sketch, to clays, to revisions to final. Many of you have asked how an idea becomes a licensed product. So, I hope this post sheds some light on the mystery as well as how you can help to ensure that our designs do make it all the way to production. Read the entire article, now posted to our New Blog on our Website!

~ Johanna


Project Green Gables Update...

Hi all! It's time for an update... August has crept in, so I'm juggling all sorts of projects right now including our front gable design! I've been snapping a few "work in progress" photos of my steps along the way and will include those in this post. At this point,  each half of the gable is completely filled in with layers of papier mache. If all goes well, I have just one layer left to apply which will create the woody texture and other detailed elements in the scene. Stay tuned for more photos in a week or so...


* After I pencil-sketched my design in place outside on the the front gables, JP removed the halves and brought them indoors for me to work on. Then, I roughly outlined the art in black marker pen.


* Scrolling vines, perching birds, dots, and....


* Flowers of course!.....


* After the lines were drawn, I spent a few days adding layers of papier mache skim coat to cover the plywood. I roughly filled in the spaces between the design with this layer build.


* Once the base dried, I began filling in the elements with a thick layer of papier mache to create dimension...


* The shapes and characters started to pop with this step! All have been drying out in the sun, awaiting the last layer of papier mache that will create the dimensional texture I hope to achieve. Wish me luck, and check back for more updates soon! (And yes, Jack enjoyed watching me work in a novel place. He was initially intrigued with my project, although I think he's sleeping in this photo :)

Mixing it up with Red, White & Blue!

Hello friends! I know it has been far too long since I have blogged. I miss writing and sharing photos of my work, and I miss having the extra time to do so. Thus far, this year has been a busy one, brimming with creative projects, family visits and volunteering for the community. I told JP that we really needed to snap a few quick pics in the workshop just to reassure folks afar that we are still alive and creating! So, today, JP captured a few photos while I added the final layers of papier mache patch to my in-progress collection of patriotic characters. The Americana-themed subject matter is a rare genre for me as I often jump directly from spring to Halloween. But, the requests from collectors to make a few red, white a blue guys have begun to echo more and more. So, I set the orange and black paints aside for a palette more reminiscent of 4th of July! I look forward to painting these pieces soon and watching them come to life! Currently, I have nine pieces in the works. The plan is to host an Americana Web Sale in mid to late June. So, stay tuned for more information to come! And Join my Mailing List if you have not done so. Enjoy the photos, and thank you for taking the time to visit my blog!

Wishing you a Happy Summer!

~ Johanna


* There I am filling in the voids and smoothing out the face of a Lady Liberty bust. Each piece goes through a process of many layers of papier mache between periods of drying...


* More patching was also necessary for an Uncle Sam ball character underway. As I do not use underlying forms, manufactured spheres, etc… to build my pieces, each has a hand formed feel. I do try my best to even out the ball characters to balance their appearance. Some may notice that my folk art is organic in form.


* Here is a sneak peek at pair of patriotic egg cup characters. JP just finished sanding these little guys, and they have been yearning for paint!


* And of course, Americana art is not complete without a bald eagle!

To keep in touch with my progress, make sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram….

Works in Progress...

Yes, it's me, coming up for air from my workshop! Times are super busy, and I try not to look at the calendar as the reality of the date gives me both shivers and waves of heat all at once! I can imagine that my fellow Halloween & Holiday folk artist friends are feeling the same seasonal pinch. I know I should have spent the day painting, but I also know that it's fun for my collector friends to catch a glimpse at my creative process. And as the days tick by, I know I will have less and less opportunities to play. So, I am offering a preliminary peek at just some of the characters that are coming to life in my workshop. Keep in  mind, many of these fellows are still rough and will need finishing, trims, glass glitter and an occasional paper party hat to top him or her off. I have a feeling you will see less and less of me as I push through the last month to finish my collection of Halloween originals and prepare for my upcoming shows. So, Hello & Goodbye & See you soon! ENJOY.....

~ Johanna

(PS ~ Make sure to swing back by my blog on Tuesday for a sweet Giveaway!)

* That's me sharing a smirky-smile with too much on my mind.... art, art and more art ~ And then there's my other life - eat, sleep, clean, business, shop, book-keeping, and the list goes on! Where are my elves??????

* More hoot hoots on the way!...

* A Halloween bunny who adores candy corn carrots!

* A group of egg cup characters in the rough...

* A sweet ghostly guy with a purple patina...

* Decisions, decisions....

* A leg-less cat sitter, owl and Jack await more details...

* A sweet black & white cat wonders when I will make her collar and add her trims... I wonder this too!

Works in Progress...

Just thought I would share a peek at what is in the works this month. A bulldog on a ball, a cat on a moon, a pinocchio-nosed jack-o'-lantern and a witch with a wild "do" are becoming fast friends in my workshop studio. More characters are underway, and I am pondering the idea of hosting a web sale with a summer carnival twist. We'll see! The current cast of characters may end up in the Halloween vault, but that's the beauty of these guys as they can swing either way :)  Stay tuned and please Join My Mailing list to receive my next newsletter with all the details!

By the way, if you are an artist, craftsman, painter, etc... What are YOU creating? Do tell.....

Best wishes,
~ Johanna


Caught, Orange & Black-Handed!...

This afternoon, as I was intensely painting away, JP snuck in and started snapping candid photos of me at work! EEK! No chance for hair & make-up, and where was wardrobe when I needed them?!  Yes, he caught me orange & black-handed, working on the last few pieces in preparation for my two Halloween shows. My long work table is a happy Halloween disaster of characters waiting for a final touch here or perhaps a pair of arms there. Luckily, I have another bin of completed goodies, all ready to go. Just wish I was!.... You're probably asking, why I would even have time to post this. And well, when 9pm rolled around, my right hand was sending me less and less subtle messages to call it a night! Anyway, here's the proof that I am truly busy at work, getting ready for Halloween. We (that's JP and I, along with all the Halloween characters I am bringing to life...) hope to see YOU at the Ghoultide Gathering and/or the Halloween Trunk Show.......

~ Johanna


* Yes, looks I needed to change out my paint water, but who has time!


* A growing crowd of owls, jack-o'-lanterns, bats, black cats, crows, ghosts, a moon and a mouse, are almost officially done. I must say that they look more dapper than I....


* It's a funny feeling to be surrounded by all these spooky-sweet faces staring back at me!


* I take a quick moment to look up as I paint a ghostly black and white base chamber vase...

PS:  If you would like occasional updates regarding my folk art, events and news, please Join My Mailing List and look for the simple email address form at the bottom of my Folk Art Originals page.

You can also catch up with me on Facebook. Choose the "LIKE" button at my Johanna Parker Design page in order to see my news.

And don't forget to sign up for my Halloween Horn Giveaway too! Details are listed below...... Time is a'tickin!

Sneak Peek from my Workshop....

With August more than halfway behind me, and September looming, I have been spending long hours in the workshop preparing my collection of Halloween originals for this fall. I have one batch of characters almost complete, but many pieces still yearn for a set of wire arms, wings and the like along with a trim or two to be finished and ready for adoption. It's certainly a process that tends to take me longer with each year ~ I know, it should be the other way around!... So, I have another batch underway, and I spent most of my day sculpting candy containers and other characters that came to mind. As 9pm rolled in, I decided to scrape the crusty papier mache flakes off of my fingers and snap a few teaser images of what I have in store.... Many of these guys are still works in progress, so use your imagination :)

(PS ~ just peeked at my post again, and ALL these pictures look like they are on fire!  Hot orange saturation galore :) That's what I get for taking my shots at night and working on the graphics with tired eyes....)


* A black & white owl sports my new illustrated hat and awaits a vintage bow tie, perhaps....


* Peek-a-boo!... says the egg cup character peering through a pair of black cats...


* A funky cocoa powder tin holds a series of paintbrushes ready for action...


* Eek! Cover your eyes ~ these guys are still in the nude.....


* A surprised jack-o'-lantern lets out a little shriek! Perhaps she's a wee bit scared of the mouse sneaking up behind her....


*Another jack-o'-lantern is topped by a wee little bat, awaiting a set of whimsy wings... That's a whole process in itself ~ cutting the wire, forming, shaping & curling the tiny wings, a little glue here and a little glue there, drilling some holes more glue, and voila!....
It all takes patience, and I'm honestly not a very patient person!!


* A little box of handmade collars made from vintage crepe papers offers me options when the time comes to dress each character. The papier mache cup is decorated in handpainted autumn leaves and will serve as the base for another JOL character....


* In the works is this owl, obviously in need of eyes and more finishing touches... He sits atop a recycled container that once housed some yum yum yum gelato.... I feel a chocolate craving coming on!....


* Black kitties in the foreground look to be howling at the ghost figures in the back...


* Another peek at some of the Halloween characters that have been watching me work!

Did I get you in the mood for Halloween?  Are you intrigued, and would you like to see more?  Well, I will be revealing all of these fun characters at my 2 Halloween Events this year, and of course you will have the opportunity to adopt one or a few for yourself!


The 5th Annual Ghoultide Gathering
The 6th Annual Halloween Trunk Show

And if you are unable to attend, I do hope to host a Web Sale in October if all goes as planned. So, Join My Mailing List for all the details....

Happy Haunting,
~ Johanna

In the Rough...

Although this is a bit exposing, I thought I would offer you a sneak peek at what I have been working on. Time certainly likes to tick away, and before I know it, the fall season will be here! This happens every year! So, I am starting to chip away at this year's collection of Halloween originals. I will cart some of these characters off to one of the 2 Halloween Events that I will exhibit in this year, while others will be offered throughout the year via online web sales, eBay and more. At the moment, most of these guys are in the rough. It takes layer upon layer for me to attain the desired look and smoothness when working my papier mache. So, if they look a wee bit bumpy, well eventually they will all be smooth to the touch. If only I could snap my fingers and they would all be complete! (still working on that!)

For now, enjoy the peek!
~ Johanna

* I am really enjoying the ghosts this year! These whimsical characters will be a fun addition to my Halloween line......

* More ghosts, some owls, cats and jacks, are all at various stages of drying and completion....

* A cat egg cup cries out for arms and a few coats of paint to bring him to life!

* Ouch! Looks like I am poking this poor hoot-hoot's eye out, but really I'm just smoothing the papier mache.....

Maybe you'll spot one of these characters all decked out in his or her finery, later this year, or perhaps sooner if I decide to part with a few here and there......

Thanks for stopping by!

PS... Did you know that Johanna Parker Design now has a Fan Page on Facebook?
Please join me there for news, photos and fun! Make sure to click the LIKE button once you are there to stay in touch! Thank you......

Photos & Folk Art Designs, © 2011 Johanna Parker Design, LLC. Images may not be used without permission.

Chasing the Clock!....

Tomorrow is September!!!!! EEEK! In less than 2 weeks, I will be setting up a display of Halloween eye candy at Denver's 5th Annual Trunk Show! Some of my original pieces, destined for this show, are still standing naked, awaiting paint while others are ready for a coat of finish and their portraits taken for my personal records. I have lots yet to do, and it's only 11 days away! My parents were in town last week and over the weekend to celebrate Mom's birthday, and it was a BIG one, by the way! We had lots of fun catching up, but I was unable to set aside time to create a special piece for August's EHAG Emporium, and I apologize for that. It has been one of those busy-crazy years, so now I am trying to meet my own goals for what I hope to make and take to my 2 Halloween art shows this year. I know some of you loyal collectors travel in from many states away, and I don't want to disappoint! For those unable to attend, rest assured that I am setting aside a fun mix to offer for my October Web Sale (finally, I know!). I just haven't decided what date I will host that yet. I'm thinking somewhere between Sunday, October 10 - Wednesday October 13 would work best for my schedule. Your feedback would be appreciated, so let me know what works best for you! Thanks for checking in, and I hope to see you at an upcoming show!

Here is a sneak peek of just some of the goodies I have in store for this year's show season.....

~ Johanna






Do you have dreams of standing unclad on a bustling city street or perhaps on a blazing stage before an audience? Luckily, I have not experienced such a dream, but trust me, I do have some bizarre ones! However, the idea of exposing my folk art characters in their various phases of development does create a similar unveiled feeling for me. Often rough to the touch and bare-skinned white, each is without a coat of color and pattern. It takes me many steps and layers (and did I mention patience?) to create each figure just right. Initial sculpts are coarse and unrefined, and they beg for a patch here and a tuck there. More and more layers of papier mache and sanding along the way will eventually create a look I am willing to accept, and then I allow the paint and creative juices to flow again. As you will see, I have been busy sculpting and stock-piling my folk art pieces. Here is a glimpse of what has been drying on the rack. Some are ready for paint while others are just taking form. I must admit, I am feeling a little exposed right now, but I think it will be therapeutic to share here on the world-wide stage of my blog......
~ Johanna :)

* Drying racks house a menagerie of naked Halloween goods from owls, witches and bats, to skellies, pumpkins and cats....

* "Peek-a-BOO" says the 'lil owl in the crowd....

* This sweet JOL is drying her "do".....

* With no arms and no trims, this little skelly leaves much to the imagination...

* Ahh, a glimmer of paint here and there, and LOOK, do you recognize those bat wings from my last post? Things are starting to take shape... ever so slowly.....

* Cover your eyes, this owl is au naturel!....

* The lid of a witch candy container is in her initial phase.. Don't touch as she may scratch back.......

* Happy kitty here in the crowd is smiling as he IS ready for paint!