Six Silent Auctions, Ending Soon!

Don't miss the 6 Silent Auctions on our Website featuring a selection of my collectible folk art originals, all appearing in the current issue of Where Women Create Magazine! Best Offers for each piece are being accepted until the auctions end on December 13th. Visit our Silent Auction page for a medley of photos and details about each piece as well as magazine snapshots of each character. ALL Bids are welcome, so don’t be shy! Jump on in with a bid so that we can update you with the latest best offer before the auction ends. THANK YOU for your interest and support!


Best Wishes & Good Luck!
~ Johanna

Winter's Delight Web Sale!

Dear Collector Friends,

SAVE the DATE! In just one week, I will be debuting my 2016 collection of wintery original characters on my website. On the evening of Wednesday December 14th, I will be sharing a festive mix are bell ornaments, snowmen, penguins, Santas, and other fun folk art characters. If you haven't done so, please join my Mailing List for the start time and details.

Follow me on Instagram & Facebook for sneak peeks along the way!

~ Johanna


Halloween at the Glens Art Walk!...

Many thanks to all that joined us on Saturday's 2nd Annual Glens Art Walk! It was a treat to see your smiling faces at a new location this time around! We were all blessed with a beautiful fall day, perfect for strolling the wooded and winding streets of the historic Glens neighborhood. More thank you's go out to Robert and Ann for their hospitality and for hosting us, as well as to hubby JP for putting up with me each and every year at this frenzied time and also to our friend Karen who wrapped and sacked for us at the show. That gave me a chance to chat more with my Halloween-loving friends! Included are some photos from our location on the Art Walk map. I will share more pics of some of the other open studios after I have a chance to sift through my images. The Glens Art Walk is slated for the first Saturday in October next year too! So, mark your calendars so you can experience it for yourself!

For those that have inquired and were unable to join us.... YES, I will be hosting a Web & Blog sale of Halloween delights this month! If you have not done so, please Join my Mailing List as those details will be included in my next newsletter, going out later this week!

~ Johanna

* There I am being goofy in my Halloween bling, bejeweled mostly by collectors that have gifted me these fun adornments! After a series of long days and short nights, I think I'm looking a little haggy.... :-0


* A pic of my Halloween display... The old white cubbies were perfect for my new shelf sitter characters, candles and my originals too...


* More Halloween delights cozied up on shelves and awaited collectors.... One of Ann's silk media art pieces is captured in the corner...


* A wide image shows my full corner display! We were pleased with the layout and how we were able to tuck everything in its place, given the new space... Ann's lovely silks were opposite my display, and you can see some of Robert's metal designs in the back sunroom, Alfred Hitchcock included!....


* More Halloween collectibles looked like candy for the eyes!


* JP and I made a last minute sign post to help guide art enthusiasts to our location on the map!


* A pic of Ann & Robert's front walkway which led visitors to our creations indoors..


* And let the collecting begin!... Decisions, decisions.....  :)


* A photo of Ann Lederer and her richly colored hand-painted silk scarves. We both shared the front room...


* Robert Hickler, strikes a pose next to one of his imaginative sculptures...


* More fishbone metallic sculptures from Robert hung in the back window where he displayed his creations. Their wooded backyard and picture window were the perfect setting to showcase some of his bold garden art designs. The burst of red off in the distance was one of two standing sculptures on display...


* And me again! I pulled out the black and white striped stockings to match some of my new shelf sitters :)

If you attended, we hope you enjoyed the art walk and a unique peek into a variety of artist homes and whimsical backyard studio spaces.....



Halloween Original Sneak Peek...

Hi Friends..... It's been a frenzied last few weeks, and now we are so close to this Saturday's Art Walk in the Glens Neighborhood! Thankfully, I have finished a fun medley of originals, and I even took some pretty photos of each :) I am posting a sneak peek of these one of kinds which will be up for adoption at the show on October 1st. I will also have a variety of signed reproductions for Halloween lovers to collect along with my candles and notepads. I hope to see you at:

The Glens Art Walk
Saturday, October 1, 2016
10 am  - 4 pm
Find me & my Halloween at 1690 Glen Dee Drive, Lakewood, CO 80215
More Details HERE

Enjoy & Happy Halloween!
~ Johanna















Project Green Gables, Texture Complete!

Well, it's time for my monthly update on Project Green Gables. With Halloween show season fast approaching, my progress on this labor of love has been intermittent. However, I have good news! After hours of intensive application, all the dimensional elements and overlaying texture have been applied, and the gable is ready for paint! Yay! Today, we brought home a quart of vintage green paint and JP has already coated the entire base in this lovely hue. As time allows, I will be dry-brushing on the cream accents to allow my design to pop. Stay tuned for more updates here and scroll down to my previous blog posts to see all the various phases of the project.....

Best Wishes,
~ Johanna


* And there she is in her sprawling beauty!  :) Click each image for a larger view...


* A closer glimpse reveals all the woody texture that I applied to the various scrolling vines...


* And here's a zoom on the right bird's profile, feathers and all...


* Another perspective helps to express the dimensional qualities of the sculpture...


* And of course, we have a few blossoms to round out the design...


* As well as a perched cutie facing forward...


* And a third bird completes the composition!


* Jack didn't offer too much physical help it seems, but he was often by my side, keeping me company. However, that big yawn probably means that he's about over this project and ready for me to get back to my Halloween black cat making! :) And that's probably a good idea given the date! I hope to See YOU at the Glens Art Walk! I better get busy!....

You can also Follow along with me on INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK & PINTEREST

Project Green Gables Update...

Hi all! It's time for an update... August has crept in, so I'm juggling all sorts of projects right now including our front gable design! I've been snapping a few "work in progress" photos of my steps along the way and will include those in this post. At this point,  each half of the gable is completely filled in with layers of papier mache. If all goes well, I have just one layer left to apply which will create the woody texture and other detailed elements in the scene. Stay tuned for more photos in a week or so...


* After I pencil-sketched my design in place outside on the the front gables, JP removed the halves and brought them indoors for me to work on. Then, I roughly outlined the art in black marker pen.


* Scrolling vines, perching birds, dots, and....


* Flowers of course!.....


* After the lines were drawn, I spent a few days adding layers of papier mache skim coat to cover the plywood. I roughly filled in the spaces between the design with this layer build.


* Once the base dried, I began filling in the elements with a thick layer of papier mache to create dimension...


* The shapes and characters started to pop with this step! All have been drying out in the sun, awaiting the last layer of papier mache that will create the dimensional texture I hope to achieve. Wish me luck, and check back for more updates soon! (And yes, Jack enjoyed watching me work in a novel place. He was initially intrigued with my project, although I think he's sleeping in this photo :)

Gone Buggy!

Hi all! I'm just taking a moment to share a sneak peek reminder image for this Sunday's June Bugs Web Sale of originals. The collection is now complete, and on June 26th, I will be sharing a medley of whimsical folk art bugs with you. Stay tuned to my Folk Art Originals page for more details and the buggy update! Thank you for your interest in my one of a kind collectible characters.

Best Wishes,
~ Johanna