Out of the Box & into the Land of Hexagonia!

Hi Friends! 
I have a small, time sensitive favor to ask... The brightly colored design below is my entry into Spoonflower's Hexagon Challenge. If you like it, will you visit Spoonflower's Contest page, locate my "Land of Hexagonia" entry and enter a vote for me? There are lots of pretty patterns to marvel at, so vote for your faves! (no need to log in ~ voting is open to the public) THANK YOU!! Voting ends tomorrow, March 28th! I know, I'm not giving you much notice, and if you're reading this after the due date, well I still want to share this fun design with you! It will soon be available on fabrics, wall paper & gift wrap. Almost all the elements in this design are made up of 6-sided hexagons in varying shapes. I enjoyed making this pattern, and it certainly stretched my imagination a bit since I tend to think in swirls, curves and flowing lines. :) Thank you for your support! 


Cast your Vote... (thank you!)

Given the title of this post, I did find myself thinking outside of the box and submersing myself into a hexagonal land :) I've been obsessed with patterns all my life, and lately, I have felt the need to let them out. Imaginative patterns are often the last thing I see before I fall asleep and many times, the first image to greet me in the morning. So many fun and pretty patterned ideas flash through my mind each day that I'm lucky to capture and manifest just a tiny slice of what I dream. Visit my JohannaParkerDesign Spoonflower Shop to see what designs are currently available and also peek at my upcoming designs, for sale soon.

Enjoy & THANK YOU!

~ Johanna

Gone Buggy!

Hi all! I'm just taking a moment to share a sneak peek reminder image for this Sunday's June Bugs Web Sale of originals. The collection is now complete, and on June 26th, I will be sharing a medley of whimsical folk art bugs with you. Stay tuned to my Folk Art Originals page for more details and the buggy update! Thank you for your interest in my one of a kind collectible characters.

Best Wishes,
~ Johanna

Bzzzzz... June Bugs Web Sale!

Hi Friends,

Once again, it's been a while since I've been in touch, and that goes to show that I have been a busy bee! Right now, my sunroom studio is filled with wire wings and delicately curled antenna, all awaiting to be attached to their whimsical bug companions. I have sculpted a collection of 10 one of a kind folk art bugs, including bees, butterflies, beetles and more for my June Bugs Web Sale! With the garden in bloom and the pollinators bouncing from one flower to the next, I was inspired to take a moment (or, in this case, a few months) to celebrate and create my interpretation of these garden characters. It's been a fun diversion from my classic fall & winter holiday palette, and I am looking forward to sharing them with you on my Folk Art Originals page this month!

I invite you to join me, so please Save the Date: Sunday, June 26th
Please Join my Mailing List for the Start time and more details.

Happy Summer & Enjoy the Garden!

~ Johanna


Poppies & Clover...

Welcome to the garden! I am truly amazed at what the magic of nature can accomplish in just two and a half months... If you recall, JP and I spent a full day in early May, sowing both clover and poppy seeds across our newly designed, rolling landscape. Little did we know how lush the results would be! For reference, I suggest you take a peek back to my Playing in the Dirt  post to see the astonishing before and after images. Now, it's mid July, and a large portion of our front yard is blanketed in a luscious layer of Dutch White Clover. The knoll in the midst is all-a-buzz with the happiest of bees, frolicking in a colorful mound of poppies! So, it seems my vision for a whimsical garden scape is certainly taking its magical shape. Neighbors and passers-by, pause to ponder the amazing transformation on a daily basis and inquire about the process and the plants. We remind them that it's still a work in progress and a learning experience, but we are overjoyed at the results so far!  So, I invite you to take a walk with me in the garden...


* I can just imagine that a tiny elf & fairy live here...


* Like morning glories, this sweet poppy mix radiates its best mix of hues in the early morning hours...


* The bees were absolutely drunk-in-love with this gleaming red poppy...


* Take a stroll on a winding path that promises to delight your imagination...


* Captured in time, a bee darts from one poppy to the next...


* Just a peek above, peering down at the colorful knoll...


* Soft, painterly poppies sway in the breeze...


* I noticed this little gem ~ a sweet red poppy, trimmed in white...


* Poppies reach for the rays before a field of lush green clover...


* A sweet bee savors the delicacies of this pink poppy...


* Brilliant red poppies add a festive punch to the mix...


* A pair of bees with that glassy-eyed look of love...


* A sweet knoll of poppies adds a touch of whimsy to our landscape while clumps of clover create a whimsical backdrop. Once upon a time, this was a crusty old driveway infested with cracks and weeds...


* The clover fields are polka-dotted in red as we have noticed how much the ladybugs like this new habitat...


* Clover now sprawls and spills over the rocky borders that we painstakingly placed early this year...


* A pebble path snakes around and accentuates all the green...


* And the clover is now starting to flower ~ as a result, the bees are jubilent!


* A dreamy zoom on a clover bloom...


* I recall being quite concerned that my efforts to sow the clover seed had fallen short as there were so many barren patches of earth with no seedlings emerging. Again, this is another reminder that with patience comes reward, and worrying will get you nowhere!  :)


* Another ladybug dangles from a clover leaf...


* Slowly but surely, this garden is taking shape...


* Once barren berms of clay soil are now completely covered in mounding masses of clover! Off in the distance, JP has rigged a 3-story scaffolding configuration which allows him more play on the house, attic and siding...


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Playing in the Dirt...

OK, I admit it's been a while since I have posted to my blog. Although it seems that I have been missing in action, let me just explain where the action has been taking place. As April rolled in, the weather warmed, unseasonably, and JP and I jumped at the opportunity to work on the necessary irrigation aspect of our "new" frontyard. Since September of 2010, our property has undergone a major transformation, and it has been a rather daunting task. With the exception of a few older trees, really nothing remains the same. Due to an old leaky basement, we dug below basement level, added rooms and waterproofed our old 1939 cottage. Then, we started from scratch with a yard that looked more like a debris field. Today, it is starting to take shape, and there is hope for that storybook setting that I want to manifest around our home. I snapped several photos last month of the soaker hose configuration, or topo-style art that JP and I created. It has since been buried, and we just seeded with clover last week! So, stay tuned for more photos to come. Tiny little seedlings are bursting through the soil everywhere we look, so the excitement level and satisfaction factor are kicking in! This has been a labor of love, and we only hope that it gets better and better...... The front porch, insulation and siding are next on the to-do list! For now, enjoy a few BEFORE & AFTER photos and more pictured below!


* JP stands off in the distance admiring our maze of twisting soaker hoses, strategically placed across the front berms. Take a peek below at an image from the same vantage point, about 20 months earlier...


* The serious transforming began in the fall of 2010 when we dug around the front 3 sides of our house below basement level, in order to waterproof, add french drains, and create additional basement spaces...


* Today, this is our "knoll" which I just seeded with a delicate poppy mix. I am still looking for the perfect small specimen tree to mark its center. Pictured below is the same scene 20 months earlier...


* EEEK! This was a day of chaos as I recall... The yard was a muddy debris field of asphalt, sand, dirt and rock. It was very difficult to visualize the berms, the knoll, and the paths, while keeping in mind the proper run-off grades and placement of french drains. It was a MESS, but we are now BEYOND that, much to our relief!...


* Currently, this is the view from the corner of our lot looking toward our garage. It's difficult to imagine that this was once an old crusty driveway, full of weeds and broken asphalt. No longer can wild drivers use our yard as a short-cut to avoid the stop sign!  Now, they would have to go 4-wheeling....and they better not!....


* Well, there's that old crusty driveway before we started the big dig! It left much to be desired, and now it's a joy to see the possibilities come to life. Today, it's looking more like a rolling park!


* Here, JP is absorbed in the complicated maze of soaker hoses...


* And this looks like art to me!


* It's rather odd to go from a flat landscape to a slightly mountainous terrain. You become one with the dirt, and your appreciation for the soil awakens...


* The soaker hoses will keep the berms moist and will promote healthy growth for our new trees, future perennials and the clover plants that will soon emerge to add green and retain the soil.


* We placed an irrigation valve box close to the path for easy access. Eventually, I will plant something to disguise it a bit!


* The soaker hoses wrap around toward the front path, weaving in between a trio of newly planted evergreen trees...


* JP strikes a pose next to the main supply line...


* Above, you can see a wee bit of the hose submerged and covered with mulch. Crawling around on all fours, we gradually covered every inch of that hose, protecting it from the intense heat of the sun. Then we added jute mesh to the slopes, more soil / compost mix and prepared it for the clover seed. Seedlings are poking up everywhere, and now we must keep them moist. What a chore!

So, that explains why I have been missing in action. The projects have required teamwork to get the job done, so JP and I have been spending many a day, playing in the dirt. As we live at the corner of two streets with one being rather busy, we have had plenty of "traffic". Folks drive by, slow down, give us the thumb's up, cheer us on, ask questions, want tours, take photos, bring us food, and the list goes on! I never expected ALL the attention :) We are overwhelmed by the favorable response from neighbors and even folks that don't live in the hood. What will they think when it's all done?!!!..... There is still plenty yet slated in order to complete the picture, so stay tuned.

And, yes I am back to the workshop this month as my folk art is calling....... Of course, the dirt is calling too... :)

~ Johanna

Garden Curiosities...

A splash of vibrant hues and variegated textures are displaying their glory in our perennial garden this month. The rains have been heavy, heavier than what I am used to it seems, and this has created an overflowing effect where plants span and sprawl beyond the borders I had only hoped to set for them, spilling over onto each other and beyond. With intense rain comes life of all sorts including weeds as well. But even those ambitious pests have their own beauty and charm behind the lens of a camera. Before yet another boomer hit our garden, I ran out back to snap a few macro shots as the ominous clouds swirled overhead. The overcast skies often create the ideal lighting scenario for nature photography. And so I hurried from plant to plant until the rain drops were too large to bear. So, enjoy this photo diary of garden curiosities that capture my imagination and fill me with wonder and often awe and delight......

~ Johanna


A ladybug perches on the bud of a dandelion and seems to be enjoying a meal of clustered woolly aphids....


The iridescent cool purples and blues of the Native Larkspur are just magical....


I always enjoy these sweet little blooms, but have long lost the name of this delicate plant. If you can recall what this 1 inch blooming gem is called, I would love to know....


Another view of this mystery bloomer. I love how my lens creates a soft, painterly bursting effect with the surrounding background plants...


A bumble bee burrows its head into the delicate blooms of a Lamb's Ear plant...


A Bachelor Button bloom peers out of a sea of soft green....


Rose Campion blooms on silvery green foliage certainly pop and add bits of vibrant color to the garden landscape....


In the distance, a towering burst of magenta clematis has made its majestic ascent atop a column of rusty remesh for quite a delightful show-stopper....


I spotted this chartreuse grasshopper clinging to the leaf of a Coneflower plant and just swaying in the breeze....


Spent poppy seed heads still attract my eye with their unique shapes, colors and patterns...


Looking down upon the tippy-top of a Red Hot Poker for a different perspective...


The teardrop-shaped buds of a climbing Clematis are close to unfurling....


Again,  I am attracted to the painterly effect that this lens captures...


One Purple Coneflower proudly stands amongst a slew of buds soon to follow...


Even the bane of my gardening trials expresses its own delicate beauty as it coils and chokes a neighboring plant. Morning Glory "Bindweed" is ever-present and ever-persistent in my Colorado garden....


Photography © Johanna Parker Design, LLC. Images may not be used without permission.

Rediscovering the Garden...

Is it like this for you?... The days fly by, and all of the sudden, it's almost July? For me, it certainly is. My mind has been dizzy with all of the to-do's, decisions on remodeling projects, scheduling this and that, family and friends, my art, and so on. Of course, I want to squeeze it all in and still be able to enjoy a little tranquility here and there. But, I must admit, I am not good at juggling, and some of the things I most cherish have been out of my view. Yesterday, however, I enjoyed a moment of enchantment in between sculpting my art. A black and white flutter caught my eye, and invited me toward the garden. He zipped and darted up and down and then landed right before me with a stillness I rarely know. Luckily, I snapped his photo numerous times and feel fortunate to share it here with you. What an amazing dragonfly, don't you think?....


The delicacy of his wings, the patterns and the beauty this little creature exhibited certainly had my attention, and I was grateful to experience that moment. Looking up from my camera, a blaze of perennial color in full bloom caught me by surprise and lured me in. Oh, I have been too busy lately, and obviously, my flower garden has been growing without me ~ so much so that I could barely find the foot path!


Plants were crowding for space, and everywhere I looked was an overflowing surge of color. How could I have missed this until just now? It's only right out my backdoor, but that tunnel vision has been holding me captive I believe....


Fuzzy Lamb's Ear, rusty-colored clovers, wooly thyme under foot, striped ornamental grasses and tiny yellow flowers atop a lush sea of green baby leaves were certainly inviting, and my rediscovery of the garden was in full force.


Another critter crossed my path, and I couldn't help but pick him up for a closer inspection to marvel at his beauty....


The skies were growing dark as rain clouds marched in, but the colors in the garden only intensified.....


And soon rain drops began to fall, and it was time for me to take cover back to the workshop. But fortunately, my dragonfly friend reminded me to take joy in the wonders of the garden. I think I will be back......

~ Johanna

How Charming!...

I am excited to share with you my new line of illustrated jewelry charms that I designed for Primitives by Kathy ! Each pendant is double-sided with a different and fun image on the flip side, so choose your theme, depending on your mood. Whenever I have the opportunity to draw something intended for a product application, I jump at the chance to give it a try. These were extra fun for me as they are wearable too! I have a fun series of these sweet charms ranging from Garden and Love themes to Halloween, Autumn and Christmas! Below are a few for you to peek at. These goodies will be available in March, and the heart-themed charms are available now! It will be such a joy to see folks wearing my art :)

~ Johanna

* Sing, Item #15914, Pennyrug Cat, Item #15911 and Love Heart, Item #15912

* Ladybug, Item #15913, Bird & Can, Item #15916 and Love Birds, Item #15915

* Cat & Jack, Item #15919 and BOO Owl, Item #15920

* Harvest Crow, Item #15917 and Jack & Crow, Item #15921

To order, you can visit Primitives by Kathy's retail site, and my charm pages start HERE! Thank you for your interest, and spread the fun by sharing these inexpensive charms with your friends and family! They will make such fun gifts.....

Spring Fever!....

I don't know about you, but I have spring fever! The days have finally started to warm a bit after an arctic cold snap that seemed to linger for too long. Thinking ahead to warmer days and spring time pleasures, I thought it would be fun to share with you a peek at some of my new spring & summer themed reproductions! I just received my Primitives by Kathy catalog, and I was happy to see my new Garden Goodies included. Our color palette for this collection was a cheery red, cream and soft vintage green. I decorate with these colors throughout the year, so it was a fun project for me, and I look forward to adding a few of these items to my every day decor. Take a peek with me....

* Look! A fun set of Garden Boxes complement this festive nature collection. A sculpted red bird and a watering can spout serve as the whimsical handles for these round containers...
{ Item # 15913 }

* And a happy pair of Garden Serving Trays that double as wall art will certainly add a sweetness to your garden party or wall decor!
{ Item # 15912 }

* And for all of those photographic moments captured in time, frame them in one of my New Boxed Frames! I included my own sentiments to complement the sweet imagery. { Item #s 15705, 15911, 15704, 15700 from left to right }

Looks like all of these garden delights will be available this March. You can pre-order these goods through Primitives by Kathy or one of the various online vendors that offers my products. And, there is a slight chance that I may be offering a few of these signed collectibles this spring, so please join my e-mailing list for notification.
Think Spring!

~ Johanna

* © 2009 Johanna Parker Design *Garden-themed designs & photos are the property of Johanna Parker and may not be used without permission.

Calm Before the Storm...

It must have been an intuitive feeling that JP had early Saturday afternoon. My parents had stopped by to say farewell before they flew back to Seattle. I had placed my new camera on its tripod out in the garden, awaiting to take a few family photos. The weather was beautiful as we said our goodbyes. Then, JP suggested I "play" and take a few photos for fun. And FUN it was!... I snapped all sorts of close-ups which I will share with you here. Then, sprinkles started to fall and as we ran inside, torrents of rain and hail replaced the raindrops, and we watched our garden in dismay. Again, our garden was pelted on Sunday with heavier hail and rain after which flooding took its place. All is peaceful again, but the garden sadly took a beating. There is always hope, and we'll see if the plants will arise to the sun's warmth and rays. For now, the photos offer fond memories and an acute perspective on nature and its wonders...
~ Johanna

* A bee crawls up and over the bloom of a Bachelor's Button flower...

* A Green Lacewing stops to rest on a spent Alium bloom...

* These poppies just "popped" before the storms rolled in. We enjoyed their paper-thin blossoms for only a few hours, all of which have now fallen to the ground...

* A special peek at the life of a roly-poly in his armored suit as he climbs across the yellow bloom of a sedum iceplant...

* A bee extracts nectar from the violet blooms of a wild geranium...

* Yellow Yarrow, just beginning to pop, glows for the camera...

* A bee-like insect with a peculiar hovering habit searches for the center of this tiny Snow in Summer bloom...

* Tissue-light petals in brilliant red open to the skies... I'm afraid most of these flowers were lost in the storm...

* A bee grips the edges of the tiny Catmint flower in search of sweet nectar...

Please click on the images for a larger view. I cropped them all so you could see the intricate detail, but the subjects are interesting shown in their surroundings as well. I do wonder what became of these small insects and how they could possibly survive such a violent series of storms....? If the storms stay away, perhaps my garden will have a chance to recover ~ There is always hope.