Well, it's certainly that time of year when we find ourselves bustling around town. Whether we are out and about visiting with family and friends, gathering together at various festivities, eating, light-seeing, shopping for just the right treasures, and beyond, the season is a frenzy of run-run-run-fun!
Between December's calendar of events, I have been back to the drawing board, illustrating holiday-themed notepads and charms for 2012. Of course, the due date for these designs falls right during the busiest season of all! So, I continue to play the juggler.

This month a couple mice found their way into my drawings... Despite the last minute rush to complete these images, I must admit that illustrating season-appropriate subject matter makes more sense (rather than illustrating winter characters when its spring outside!)

And, it also helps to have a little snow on the ground when drawing snowmen and the like!

Holly berries, festive wrap, bows and mischievous cats staking their spots in gift boxes are holiday traditions in our family and familiar scenes around the house that offer artistic inspiration.... (and a little holiday humor I might add!)

Before I packed and shipped the last few one of a kind holiday characters from my December Treasure Hunt, I had the chance to display them at Lakewood's Cultural Center. During this particular event, visitors had the opportunity to peek at my case of originals, ask questions and adopt reproduction ornaments. Many thanks to those of you who stopped in to visit and collect my creations!

That's me and my case of holiday delights! They had me situated right outside the lovely Artisan Showcase featuring other handmade treasures by local artists in a gallery setting. Many thanks to the Lakewood Cultural Center for the warm welcome and invitation to show my creations...

In between art signings, project deadlines, etc... we snuck out on a sunny day for a brisk walk to the park! I honestly had not been on a walk to that park since summer!!! Eeek! Yet, the clock was still ticking and there was little time to sit for a spell..... At least I had a chance to finally move my legs. And like I said earlier, December seems to be the month for run-run-run-fun!

We had to scoot for a fun lunch date, shop and then scurry back home to change for 2 evening parties that we wanted to attend. JP snapped several images of the holiday eye candy at party #1... Check out that towering tree all aglow!

I naturally gravitated to the fountain of chocolate fondue and quickly made a mess of myself! But, this time of year, you are supposed to indulge, right?

Cookies and sangria also make a tasty pair too, not to mention licking the chocolate off of my palm :)

And I mentioned light-seeing as well, which is certainly a must this time of year! Thank you Dave & Yv for the magical holiday displays! The journey across town to find our way to your Christmas house was certainly worth the trip...
Well, with any luck I am hopeful to soon sit for a spell and enjoy the weekend with those that are dear. The holiday hustle and bustle has a tendency to intensify through the years, and we all seem to scurry around like excited mice. Perhaps that's why I drew a few last week ~ hehehe! While you are out and about running your holiday errands and dashing through the snow, take a little time to enjoy the sights, sounds and one another. Here's wishing you a little magic and R&R during the holidays! And many thanks to so many of you that make our holidays special and one of a kind......
~ Johanna